November 5, 2007

Swearing-in ceremony will be Monday, but should it be?

The city charter requires that those elected Tuesday take office the following Monday.
As it happens, that Monday is almost always a city, state and federal holiday - Veterans Day.
The following night is the regularly scheduled City Council meeting for November, every time, which means those elected Tuesday are tackling issues a week later, whether they're ready or not.
City Clerk Therese Pac said Monday she'd like to see the date for swearing-in newcomers shifted so that another two or three weeks elapsed before those elected actually took office.
That would give them time "to do some homework" and recover from the rigors of the campaign trail, Pac said.
"It would kind of make life easier for everyone," Pac said.
She said that outgoing mayors and others aren't going to create mischief with a little more time before the change because they all live in the community and have to face their neighbors in the grocery store.
Pac said that many towns don't have the new administration take office until January.
But, she said, just waiting until later in November would be enough in Bristol to give everyone involved a little more time.
Pac said she plans to ask the Charter Revision Commission to look into the change.
Meantime, there's no word on when the Democrats or Republicans plan a swearing-in ceremony. Usually, it's held Monday evening, but that's not mandatory.

City Republican Chairman Art Mocabee just weighed in on the issue. He said this:
I am in favor of moving off the holiday...but only a day or so. The truth is, the new council will have time to prepare as much as that is possible before any meeting.What is important is to get them sworn in as councilman as soon as possible so they can begin to act as councilman. Their email sites should be up immediately, name plates and most importantly the new Mayor needs to make appointments of councilmen to all the boards and commissions. Usually this requires some time to accomplish and during that time the newly elected officials should be empowered as councilman.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at


Anonymous said...

Little confused here.Veterans Day is ALWAYS Nov. 11( 11th month,11th day, 11th hour).This year it falls on a Sun.How does that impact the searing in ceremony?

Steve Collins said...

Tim, The federal holiday is always on a Monday. We do that with most holidays, you know. It's been that way for a long while. - Steve

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