November 7, 2007

Suchopar to stay as Mayor Ward's secretary

Mayor-elect Art Ward said Wednesday he plans no big changes in the mayor’s office.
Ward said he asked Mary Suchopar, Mayor William Stortz’s secretary, to stay on in the position.
“She’s always been professional and courteous,” Ward said. “I think she’s represented the office in a very professional manner.”
Ward said he has no intention of hiring another aide, at least initially, to help him cope with the rising workload in the mayor’s office.
Democratic Mayor Gerard Couture, whom Stortz knocked out of office in 2005, pushed successfully to create a part-time mayoral assistant who could help with budget and policy issues. But the $25,000-a-year post vanished when Stortz took office.
City Comptroller Glenn Klocko said that the mayoral aide’s position is no longer part of the city budget so if Ward or any other mayor wanted to have an aide, he would have to create it.
Suchopar said that she is “very happy” the Ward wants her to stay on.
She said it makes sense to have a continuity in the office – and it helps to have the background.
“It was difficult for me when I first came in because I didn’t have that experience and I didn’t have anybody to help me get up and running,” Suchopar said.
Suchopar said she’s looking forward to helping Ward “be ready to go from day one.”
Most mayors in recent decades have kept the secretary hired by their predecessors.
Couture was the first to buck the trend, dumping former Mayor Frank Nicastro’s secretary so he could hire an administrative aide who helped on his campaign. There was never any doubt that Stortz would hire someone new to replace her.
With the decision to keep on Suchopar, Ward is returning to past practice at City Hall.
On Wednesday morning, Ward made the rounds at City Hall, talking with workers and supervisors briefly, most of whom were happy he’d won.
“I talked with the majority of the department heads that were available,” Ward said. He said he’ll be talking with them in depth in coming days to help set priorities and get ready for the new budget preparation period.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at


Anonymous said...

Even after her husband gave Ellen her first full-time job at $50,000 per year?

Anonymous said...

You people with your obsession with Ellen are pathetic. Get a life, please.

Anonymous said...

If Suchopar's husband didn't run the Boys Club, I doubt Ward would have kept her on as secretary. It's all about connections.

So let's see. Mayor Ward's secretary is Mary Suchopar, whose husband Michael runs the Boys Club/Family Center and is the boss of Ron Burns and Ellen Zoppo.

Anonymous said...

Geez people, must everything be a conspiracy? Maybe Mrs. Suchopar is just an experienced secretary who is familiar with the City Hall routine and can help smoothly transition Mr. Ward into his new position? Not anywhere near as exciting as your theories, but it makes sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Um hello, this is not Ellen's first full-time job and the insinuation that she is not qualified for it and he was giving her a pity break is completely absurd. She has worked full time and usually in more than one job for a long time. Give credit where credit due.

And while I am more an Ellen fan than a Ward fan, I am pleased he is keeping Mrs. Suchopar its a good move and I hope this is more of what will come from him. Very classy.

Anonymous said...

Its a small town and everyone is connected - who cares about this little nuance? And don't forget - Ellen and Ron were buds when he was on the Council.

Anonymous said...

No, the point is that most people are not connected, not in ways that open up these opportunities.

Anonymous said...

What then was Ellen's other full time job? I see no indication of such on her resume which was on her palm card. It most certainly is her first full time job.

Anonymous said...

Mayor elect Ward has already made a landmark decision. This is the proper decision and a good one. Mary is a wonderful person and a loyalist to whom ever she is working for. What is really hysterical is that this is one decision the Reps cannot attack. I'm sure they were waiting in the wings for Art to throw her out. Sorry. Next issue.

Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't keep Ellen's resume as a dartboard like you obviously did, so I don't know specifics but I do know she has been in New Britain for years and years and the Historic Society is one of those great non-profit scams where its part time but really full time. She is always there. I doubt the new gig has anything to do with "connections" and everything to do with ability.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mary, After working for that idoit for two years you'll at least find Art Ward to be nice and friendly.

No brains but nice and Friendly.

Anonymous said...

"No brains, but nice and friendly"? Well, Mr. Ward was able to defeat both Ms. Zoppo and Mr. Johnson, so what exactly are you saying about their intelligence? Your comment actually says quite a bit about your own.

Anonymous said...

Ellen has worked for the New Britain Chamber of Commerce for years. She is more than capable of handling the position at the Family Center. Art, you are a class act! Mary is a wonderful person and she is an excellent assistant. Cudos to both of you!