September 7, 2007

Today's front page

I've heard a lot of gripes and a lot of chuckles about the front page today.
I just want everyone to understand that I have nothing at all to do with the placement of my stories in the paper, or the headlines, or what's done on the front page. That's someone else's role.
The stuff that's under my name in the newspaper -- or that I put up on this blog with my name attached -- is something I'm responsible for. If it's unfair, wrong, misguided or mean, let me know. I try hard to be evenhanded, but, like everyone, can miss the mark.
I will say, though, for those who think the story itself is unfair to Democratic mayoral nominee Ellen Zoppo that I don't agree.
The issue with Zoppo has never been her competence -- because her political enemies will agree, most days, that she gets things done. The talk about her has always been the way she treats people, which is why it is eminently newsworthy that five department heads complained about her in 2005 and that the library director also felt threatened by Zoppo a year earlier.
I wrote about those matters because they came from a verified source -- emails and letters whose authors authenticated them -- and they seemed to shed light on an important issue.
For those who see those stories as cheap shots by city Councilor Art Ward's campaign, I can only say that I wish that could be proved. It would make for a better story.
As you can see from the previous blog entry, Zoppo has leveled the charge herself. That's already on the blog, of course, and it will almost certainly be in print this weekend.
But rest assured that my own interest each day is not to help this candidate or that one. It's just to report the news, fairly and accurately. I flub up, like anyone, on occasion. But this is not one of those times.
By the way, I heard the same sort of complaints about unfairness when I wrote last week about Zoppo's charges that her signs were being stolen, only that time the griping was from Ward backers.
It comes with the territory. And I have thick skin.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at


Anonymous said...

Steve, what would have been unfair would be if you didn't print the articles. They are valid, true events that are tell tale of Ellen's treatment of others - people that we rely on to run this City. And they all do it well.

If they were untrue I could see people complaining. But they ARE true, and Ellen can't deny that they happened, but she also shouldn't be offending these department heads as she is trying to defend her inappropriate actions.

Anonymous said...

I think what people are missing is that Ms. Zoppo created these monsters, NOT STEVE COLLINS.

Anonymous said...

Zoppo is her own worst nightmare. She is so rude and now she is grasping at anything to dispell the heat away for her. Get over it Ellen, all your lies and true colors are coming through!!
After all you always told me; "Any press time is better then none." Eat your words - baby!


Anonymous said...

Zoppo forgets one major fact - Ward could careless about his pension and medical benefits. His purple heart and the fact that he is a veteran qaulifies him for VA medical benefits. But then again IF Ellen really cared about Veterans, she would know that. I cannot believe people are even thinking about voting for her. How shameful!

Anonymous said...

Thursday, I was talking to my partner who asked me if I had been following the Steve Collins Blog. I told him that I stopped reading it weeks ago because I considered it nothing more than the Bristol Enquirer.

Yesterday, while getting the house ready for a party, a friend stopped by and asked if I had seen the Press today. I repeated the story I had told my partner. My friend corrected me, saying that the Press is worse than the Enquirer that “at least with the Enquirer, we get a little T&A thrown in for the money”. HOW TRUE!

Steve, in a time when we’re trying to pull Bristol up and together, to foster a healthy community living, you have successfully turned the Bristol Press into a cesspool of information. You are divisive and it is unfortunate that you have failed to use your position to bring together a better Bristol.

Your BLOG is filled with hatred. You foster that as well. You conveniently let through viscious and untrue statement. You filter what you want to appear, those postings which will add to the manure in your cesspool. When you were called on letting a post through about a hate crime, you played sweet and innocent, and said that you were overwhelmed. Come on Steve. Come clean Steve.

You have the chance to do positive things for Bristol. DO IT!

Steve Collins said...

I routinely delete 3/4 of the postings here. You should see the stuff that doesn't get through.
Anyone who thinks the Press is a cesspool needs to get out more. We actually have pretty high standards, particularly for a tabloid.
And I have no idea what "hate crime" the anonymous poster is talking about. Can you enlighten me?

Anonymous said...

Steve - go to the comptollers office and get Public Works budget report - Talk about a screw up!!