September 21, 2007

Did the police captain do anything wrong?

This story says that a city police captain is under investigation for taking his teenage daughter to the scene of that horrible Route 6 car crash this summer that killed four teens. Did he do anything wrong?

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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The tragedy of that night is every parents worst fear.

My interpretation is the Captain brought his daughter to scene to impress upon her the responsibility and reality of driving a car and what can happen in a single moment. It is a harsh lesson but a real one.

Anonymous said...

I think the captain has the right idea. Every young driver should have to witness such an accident. Maybe then they will drive more safely and not show off with friends!

Anonymous said...

I actually had more respect for McIntyre after hearing that he did that. At least he cares about his daughter and is trying to prevent another tragedy.

Anonymous said...

STEVE, Ithink the remains of the car those kids died in should be towed to all the local high schools. Our youth should see up front what reckless behavior could do. Ialso want to offer my support to Capt. McIntyre too. Ias a father did exactly what he did. I took my young daughter to a double fatality car wreck. It made a lastng impression that your life can be snuffed out in an instant, so be careful. I still say goodbye to her and her brother today with an ernest BE CARFUL to remind them of that schoolday afternoon when two young Bristol boys died.They are both in their twenties now and Ican`t help but think that taking her to that car wreck did her and her brother some good.Bravo Capt.

Anonymous said...

Seems pretty straight forward to me. He and his daughter stayed out of the way. A graphic object lesson.

What the heck is the problem?

Anonymous said...

Not at All~When I worked at St. Francis Hospital(Hartford,CT)in the Trauma Center they had a Program for High School Students called "Let's Not Meet by Accident"~it was a Real Eye Opener for the Students as well as the Staff. The post that said the car should be towed to the High Schools was Right on Target~it Really does make a Difference...REALITY. Why can't Bristol do something like this??? I'm sure Captain McIntyre has made a great impact on his teenage daughter...Way To Go Captain McIntyre!

Anonymous said...

The facts may show that department policy was not followed. Once a complaint is filed, things generally get worse if they aren't properly acted upon. That said, I'd be inclined to show a lot of leniency if a mistake was made.