September 20, 2007

Janelle responds to criticism

Here's another comment I don't want anyone to miss, from Jennifer Janelle, a BDDC commissioner:

I have never responded to a blog post in my life, but I guess there is a first time for everything. First of all, "diva" is a pretty new one. I've certainly been called worse (and my daughter thinks it's cool anyway). However, my vote had absolutely nothing to do with being a diva, a lone ranger, or wanting to get my name in print (I get plenty of press in my professional life). I should also be clear that I have absolutely NO political aspirations and will never run for elected office. I was asked to "step up and serve my City," which I am trying to do to the best of my ability. I believe that by accepting this appointment, I committed to using my brain, my experience and not being afraid to do what I think is right and in the best interests of the City as a whole, irrespective of whatever pressure is brought to bear to do something else. I abstained from the vote because I did not want to vote no, because I agree (and stated on the record) that I do not believe the mall site is appropriate for a school and I also believe that the taxpayers expressed that viewpoint in voting out the administration that devised the prior plan for tax exempt use of the property. I abstained because I believe that the vote was unnecessary and inappropriate. The BDDC vote does not remove the mall site from consideration by the school committee. In fact, the school committee and Board of Ed are free to continue to consider the site and submit it to the City Council as their preferred site. It is ultimately up to the City Council to decide what to do with the mall property. Any plan that the BDDC devises will require City Council approval, and, in fact, the City Council can dissolve the BDDC tomorrow if it wants to. The vote was and is, unfortunately, meaningless, and only serves to add more fuel to an already blazing fire. I also feel strongly that the BDDC should not selectively respond to issues that are of great concern to taxpayers that do not fall squarely within our powers. The K-8 proposal is certainly a hot-button issue. There are also a lot of other issues concerning downtown that mean a great deal to taxpayers, including transportation, crime, etc. We did not vote to "send a message" about our feelings on any other issue, nor should we. We are merely individual taxpayers and voters, just like everyone else when it comes to these issues. Individual members are certainly free to express their viewpoints, and given the high profile nature of the BDDC, those viewpoints will certainly get press coverage. I am a stickler for process and procedure. Always have been, always will be. It is the nature of my profession. Quite frankly, if more people in City government were, we would not get into some of the messes that we do (i.e., the pending FOIA complaint, among others). I think it is important to separate personal feelings on the issues from professional responsibilities as an appointed official and I will continue to do so.
Last Steve, I will respond here to your comments about the "bastion of white men" that is in another thread. The simple fact is that in Bristol, if you are not a 50+ white male and you dare to disagree with that political machine or vote differently or express a different viewpoint, you get cut off at the knees. I know an awful lot of folks in my demographic that are not willing to subject themselves to it. I myself will have to seriously consider whether or not I would ever accept another appointment in this City, as I do not enjoy having to explain to my children why people call me names on the Internet. Until Bristol grows up, as the need is demonstrated by the vile, unproductive posts on this blog and others, little will change on the political front. If you have an opinion, express it. Debate and disagreement are what makes our government better than any other form of government in the world. It also ensures well-thought out and thoroughly probed decisions. However, if you can't express your opinion without name-calling, you should reconsider whether you ought to express it at all. "Say what you mean and mean what you say, but don't say it mean."

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at


Anonymous said...

What a breathe of fresh air -

Anonymous said...

Ms. Janelle has basically confirmed almost everything they said about her. The attitude is "I know more about proper procedures than everyone else" and she used the vote as an opportunity to make a "statement" to that effect. Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Here, here! The City of Bristol definitely discriminates against women that serve on their commissions and boards. The Mayor wants "diversity" on the boards, but as soon as a woman tries to do things differently or speaks up about something, they are shut out. Just because the "good old boys" have done something the same way for years, doesn't mean it's the ONLY way to do something. Bristol keeps saying they want a change, but the "good old boy" network keeps everything in check. It's very discouraging for a woman who would like dedicate some time to serve her town.

Anonymous said...

Not meaning to be rude, but is this the same Jennifer Janelle who is an attorney? There was an Attorney Janelle who came to a coucil meeting during the Nicastro administration to speak on behalf and in favor of the Crossroads Motorcycle Club (gang?). I believe her husband was the president of the club. I do not remember the specific issue, but I remember the audience being packed with alot of bikers wearing colors. I also remember them supporting Couture for Mayor at various fundraisers. Does anyone else remember this? Steve, do you remember this meeting?

Anonymous said...

Good for you,Jennifer!I've attended a couple of BDDC meetings and found your input well thought out and also found you to be the one member who seems to keep the Board in focus when they tend to get off on a tangent.I have to say the individuals who annoy me the most are those who automatically consider an opposing view or opinion WRONG.It doesn't necessarily follow,it(the opinion/view) is just DIFFERENT!To make that sort of assumption only requires a level of arrogance that is right off the charts!I find it refreshing indeed to have ANY member be unafraid to voice their opinion even if it is not in the majority.You GO girl!

Steve Collins said...

Attorney Janelle was involved in several meetings that included the motorcyle club. I don't remember all the specifics, but she stood out as a forceful, articulate defender of the group's rights.

Anonymous said...

Although technically unproductive, sometimes humor, in the face of an unfair and nasty reality, is the only refuge left for a good woman.

We need to laugh in order to perserve ourselves.

Anonymous said...


Very well put! I wouldn't worry too much about the people talking about you on this blog. It's mainly the Zoppo people still very bitter!! One down, a few more to go! Time for a clean sweep in Nov.!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Attorney Janelle can speak to her biker friends about proper "procedure" and "growing up" when it comes to Motorcycles revving up through the residential neighborhoods of our town making excessive noise at all hours and disturbing the peace.

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe if the men start looking at faces they would realize there is more to us then what is on our chest.

Anonymous said...

To the poster(s) at 1:34 & 3:23 PM - The Nineteenth Amendment passed in 1920. Women have a right to vote and they have a right to an opinion. You need to get over it. An intelligent response would have been to debate Ms. Janelle on her position not take shots at her personally. I can only hope that you are not a democratic candidate or member of the DTC. If you are, then you need to go and fast. Solving the issues of downtown Bristol and the Mall will take intelligent analysis and debate. If you can provide that then do so. Otherwise, move on!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Janelle takes her role on the board seriously.
She deserves respect for articulating an intelligent point of view.
She often agrees with others on the board but is also often the only one who dares to say something out of the lockstep mentality of the others.
It can't be easy to be the only woman, the only parent of school age children and the only person on that board under age 55.
Those of you who fall into any of those categories should be grateful that someone from your own demographic is taking time to serve and represent your interests.
Beyond the demands of motherhood, full time work as an attorney and her work for the BDDC, she also serves on the zoning board of appeals as an alternate and is president of a non-profit organization dedicated to environmental issues.
Unlike Ellen Zoppo, who was paid for her work on the city council and would have been paid handsomely had she been elected mayor, the city board where Janelle spends her volunteer time do not pay a cent.
I for one am grateful to her for her service.
She's got plenty on her plate and doesn't need the hassle of the BDDC, but she's trying to make a contribution.
Some thanks she's getting, too.

Anonymous said...

You are on point, Ms. Janelle, and your contribution is appreciated by more than a few of us 50+ white males. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Janelle the pick of Craig Minor for the Downtown Board?

Anonymous said...

Couldn't be a Democrat making those complaints, they don't have any guts.

Steve Collins said...

Folks, I'm not going to allow malicious posts about Attorney Janelle or ones that contains "facts" that may not be true. Stick to the issues she raises, please.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, she was Craig's pick, but he was looking to stand out by picking a "minority," and she was it. They don't seem that chummy.