September 21, 2007

Geladino lays out an agenda

Here's an open letter 2nd District Republican City Council hopeful Joe Geladino sent out last night:

I’m being asked by several people what my experience is and what I will do when elected to the Bristol City Council.

Here is what I plan to do: I plan to listen to the people of Bristol – not just the residents of District 2, but ALL of Bristol’s residents.

My goal is to make people want to live in Bristol, by watching the spending, controlling the taxes, and not buying any more real estate that isn’t absolutely, positively essential and doesn’t have a specific purpose and properly funded plan. I’d like to get all the existing, idle properties back on the market and on the tax rolls as soon as possible.

I would like to get the long-awaited skate park completed.

I will do whatever I can to improve the efficiency of all the departments and department heads and address the numerous complaints I have heard about the wasted man-hours and the attitude problem of certain city employees.

I want to put a stop to all the money being spent on consultants and “specialists” when we have city employees who are perfectly capable of doing the job. And if they are not capable, then there needs to be a review of their job descriptions and qualifications.

These are just a few, but there are several ways we can start saving on the cost of running the city.

Joe Geladino
23 Kory Ln
Bristol, CT

Contact Steve Collins at


Anonymous said...

Joe, Great agenda! This is great you will start to correct the problem Ellen and her boy's couldn't! Time to clean house this Nov. and get ride of her puppets!!

Anonymous said...

Joe - need to be more involved, the skate park was approved for construction and going out to bid by the Park Dept.!

Anonymous said...

HERE WE GO AGAIN......a poster can't make a strictly nice comment.....

they have to turn NEGATIVE yet again, slamming Ellen and the Democrats.....

What on earth will you do in the future when you don't have Ellen to bash anymore?

Mr or Ms. Anonymous, what are YOU doing to try and make our City a better place?

Negative anonymous postings do not count....

Steve Collins said...

It's not really negative to say you want to clean house. If I were to take that stand, it would pretty much declare off limits the entire opposition to the sitting City Council. That would be taking sides in a way I'm not comfortable with.

Anonymous said...

Steve: Criticism of the city council is fair game, but Geladino's rants are empty rhetoric and you keep posting them even though he refuses to answer questions about them. Either hold him accountable or start charging him for ad space.

Anonymous said...

Joe, saw you toss in the towel on television. so I be thinking that you should be able to do it again and really show your love for your community.

Steve Collins said...

If I didn't let candidates spout empty rhetoric, well, let's just say the campaign would be quieter!
That said, I'm trying to post every press release that any candidate issues, though I suppose I have my limits if it's just too worthless. Is it free publicity? Yes. But it's bipartisan free publicity.

Anonymous said...

2nd district has six people running for two seats for city council.Geladino,McCauley,Lydem,Cockayne,ragani,Blauske.If the vote was held today, who would win?

Anonymous said...

Lydem and Cockayne

Anonymous said...

Geladino and Cockayne will win

Anonymous said...

Lydem has been to my house door knocking, first time a canidate has ever come to my house asking for support.I am voting for Lydem and leaning McCAULEY.

Anonymous said...

Bruce Lydem is ok, but just say NO to Kevin Mccauley. Pick a Republican instead.

Anonymous said...

McCauley is Ellen's puppet and will continue to be. Time for him to go.