A new campaign mailing from state Sen. Tom Colapietro slams his Republican challenger as a carpetbagger who doesn’t care about his new hometown.
It goes on to point out that his job is out of town and that Welch’s children “don’t go to our schools.”
“He has never had any connection to our community,” the Bristol Democrat’s mailer continues.
The whole thing belongs in a gutter, said city Republican Party leader T.J. Barnes.
“Tom has taken the low road,” Barnes said, and has chosen to follow a “disgusting” path of attacking his opponent instead of talking about the many serious issues facing both the 31st District and the state.
“I’m sick of this,” Barnes said.
Colapietro, though, was not about to back down.
“My answer to them is pretty simple: they’ve been negative on me ever since I’ve taken office” back in 1992, the senator said.
“They gotta get real,” Colapietro said. “This is an election and it’s time to stop whining.”
“As soon as I come out with the truth, they cry like babies,” Colapietro said. “I didn’t say anything in there that wasn’t true.” Click here for the story.*****
Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com
Tom is trying to distract us all from the fact that spending is out of control in Hartford and this state is facing a 3.5 billion dollar deficit. Difficult decisions are going to have to be made and Tom has already proven that he can't make a decision to save his life. Tom has had his opportunity to change government and hasn't done so. It is time for a change. I am voting for Jason!
Tom Colapietro has done nothing for the Bristol community after 18 years in office! Jason Welch offers clear cut solutions to our State's problems and offers a vision for our community that has been unmatched in decades. The voters of the 31st District deserve a Senator that will respond to their needs and fight for them in Hartford, not just another career politician that is looking to boost his state pension by reaching the 20yr mark.
I urge all voters to vote Welch on election day, for the betterment of our community,for your children/grandchildren's future, and for a new kind of clean and visioned politics !
And Jason who just moved here has done what? Is it true that he has a swimming pool and a Tennis court too? Must be another Barne$$$$$ money person. Vote Tom Colapietro "He's one of us" and always has been. I also urge all voters to ignore these nasty cry babies and take a good look at what you would be in for if thse faceless phonies ever took over.
12:09 Bristol Realtor? Ha you do all your share of distracting from the truth. Did you get the commission from the Welch sale?
BTW 12:10 What school did you say the children go to school? What school do you know about that you can save and make better for our relatives? Talk about distracting . What school does he send his children too? C'mon get real and try the trurh for a change.
Tom attacks Welch's kids How low is that.
12:55 What you really mean is what have you done for me lately. Lets look at BOTH their records and see who has done what for our community. It's all provable. Afraid?
I bet Tom goes lower still before Election Day!I wonder what other mud he plans to sling.
Hmmmmm I only see mud being slung from your campaign, I hope Tom does swing back you deserve it because of your mudslinging lies. And you are who? So I guess what you say is "Useless"
7:54 You just don't get it. We are in very different times. The state deficit is huge and there was nothing done in this past legislative year to address that. How can you be satisfied with that? I'd vote for Tom if I knew exactly where he stood regarding he deficit and what he would do differently to reduce it. He simlpy has avoided it. If you just vote for Tom because he's "one of us" then you deserve what you'll get. Higher taxes and more money out of your pocket. I don't know about you but I don't want that.
I plan on voting for Welch because I believe Colapietro is a union pawn and Colapietro's position on many issues are too liberal and have caused damage to the state of Connecticut.
However in regards to politics I don't see why it's in bad taste to bring up the fact that Welch is new to Bristol and that his kids do not attend Bristol public schools. Calling him a "carpetbagger" is of course in bad taste but what can you expect from the Bristol Democrats anyway? They have little class or taste especilly when it's the zealot, Ellen, calling the shots
Calling on Elliot Nelson Democratic voice of reason.Elliot come out of hiding and start doing your job.Barnes is clearly eating your lunch,and the people are waiting for you do what is expected from the party bosses.
Realtors ,Ins agents have what in common .Screwing the consumer,sorry history repeats it self.
Who cares if Jason just moved here! He's running to represent CT more then Bristol. His only job is to get Bristol money for projects. Stop with this foolishness!
I am a republican. I am not crying or whining. But I am voting. I am voting for Welch.
Tom - what have you done for me lately? Nothing.
Pack your bags.
8:59 You hit the nail on the head! Tom was a member of the past legislative year. A year that saw them raiding the rainy day fund and borrowing to balance the budget. Just think, paying your VISA with your MASTER CARD and the difference from your retirement account. TOM, in no way shape or form are you "one of us". ANYONE that can balance a checkbook would see that cuts need to be made, but in order to make the cuts you need the fortitude (I'm being kind) to do it. Tom you never had it and never will.
Tom was part of the union team that drove New Departure out of business.
Then he became a union lobbyist. Then a State Senator. BTW: He works out of town as well, as if working out of town is a sin.
The one common factor in all of Tommy's activities is that the people of Bristol come last.
I don't even know Jason but I know he is better than Tommy the union hack.
Remedy for the State budget woes and all the financial woes of the United States of America:
Only a true coward would attack a candidate's children. But that is Tom Colapietro and has been Tom Colopietro from Day One.
Colapietro was against the death penalty, and then, for the death penalty when he noticed the Petit trial.
Colapietro has been part of a Democratic majority that has passed the largest tax incrases in Connecticut history and saddled future generations with billions in unfunded debt.
Tom is an angry, envious person. Every time someone gets in his grill, he attacks the opponent as being some sort of alien. He has spent his life attacking businesses and industry while spewing hatred and class envy.
State Senators are supposed to be models for our citizens.
Now, with a real candidate running agianst him - Jason Welch - Colapietro's hateful arguments are out in full view. To attack Welch for providing home school education as somehow un-American is beyond laughable, if it weren't hurtful to the seven beautiful children Jason and has wife are raising.
Colapietro's days are numbered. The people of Bristol, Plainville, Farmington and Harwinton are figuring out they can elect a good decent person - Jason Welch - to represent them in Hartford.
How is he planning that? Cuttin everything else? 11:00 As far as foolishness . you mean that stuff you lting about for years? Like Steven said."You stop telling lies about the democrats and we'll stop telling the truth about you !"
The truth hurts right babies?
SINCE WHEN IS THE TRUTH "GOING NEGATIVE"!? The Republicans cry like babies if someone points a finger at them. Tom has endured YEARS of personal jabs to his appearance just for starters on this blog. But THAT’S not NEGATIVE? Come on Republicans, you guys can’t take what you give out! Lol.
"Anonymous said..." has been living only on this blog for years now. Better get out and smell the flowers before you die putting crap out on this blog.
Welch has no clue what he can do for people if elected. Someone with NO political experience, and Welch tops THAT list, could even manage a guess at what he could do if elected! So I guess it's just another Republican Wish List that Welch is putting out there.
Jason welch is a great guy.
My concern is the people behind him who will want to pull his strings.
He'd have to show me some independence before I would vote for him.
12:12 Yeah,Yeah, Yeah tell it to someone who believes liars.
People behind Jason??? When Tom meet the realtors he told us that he has no say in the budget. That party leadership tells him what the budget will be and he votes for it. So much for standing up for us!! Tom, you are not one of us!
Healy is the real coward because he plays dirty with his dirty friends and does the twist along with them. We aren't attacking his children at all . Jason is using his kids and pictures in his blog and writing their signs for them, I call that exploiting your children and Healy is just like his friends calling the kettle black. Shame on you and your candidate for putting children in this posoition and then exploiting them and "using" them to discredit Tom Colapietro. Shame on Healy and his day care center.You guys must be desperate. And no one listens to a drunk except you liars. So what's new pussycats?
Colapietro Is ALWAYS Whining!!! When You Ask Him To Do Somthing In Hartford...He Responds, "What, What, What Do You Want Me To Do"?, And I Respond, "You're Our State Senator and Have Been For Over 17 Years, If You Don't Know By Now You Never Will"!...He Says He's Not Worried...I Cannot Wait Until The Debate On Tuesday, October 26th
and LMAO At This Loser...He Had NO Clue When He Worked At New Departure and He Still Has NO Clue Being A Senator For Over 17 Years...This Is A NO BRAINER...Vote Jason Welch!!!
At first I thought it was OK to point out that Welch did not have his kids attend public schools. But then I realized they are home schooled which is different then sending them to Hotchkiss (for example) or some other affluent, sheltered private school.
So considering the aformentioned facts, I believe that Tom Colapietro is a low-class, ignorant buffoon who is behaving like a dirt-bag. Why would we want someone like that as our State Senator?
As impressive as Welch is as a man, the Bristol GOp could have given us a better candidate. They could have gotten someone with stronger ties to Bristol to run.
All we hear from them is....NOTHING!
We are not handing you the keys!!!
10:07 Other than your normal namecalling you can answer a question. Did Welch really just move here? And within 6 months start running to be your senator. Here's another one. Does he really work for Beasley a big time insurance company? The truth hurts and the names you faceless "useless" republiicans use and your inactivity and your lack of civility show what you and Healy(another outsider) are alike. I don't know if anyone believes you any more.
You are the low life liar.
9:40 Can you point out one incident? The people who know don't say that if they do lets here it. Just more made up lies from your two (maybe) three friends. Time to put the "useless" animals out to pasture. Your stuff is getting old. Nobody wants to hear made up lies any more. It's gotten old!
Desperate means by desperate republicans!
Is it true that welch bought a house with a swimming pool and a tennis court after 3 months of living here? where did he come from?
Hey fed up where did you get your info? Or should I ask where did you make this up? Desperate? You really have no clue because you have to make up lies.
8:08 He'll never get as low as you and everything he says can be proven. Unlike you liars.
The Republican Leadership only wants people that they can control.
Tom Colapietro attacks Welch children. I'm I the only person that thinks there is something wrong with that?
tommy, end the whing and tell us what you have done and what you will do in the future - you sound like linda McMahon FOR GOODNESS SAKE.
I am pretty independent, but lets be honest here. This guy has been in office for over 16 years and I know things have gotten worse under his watch! Time to give someone else a shot. Just like in 2006 it was time for Nancy Johnson to go, these people become entrenched and forget about the voters. I address the independents here, as diehard democrats and republicans always take party line and refuse to be objective. This guy has had his chance and the state is a mess. Why would anyone send him back? His argument is what? Yes I have been there for 8 terms and the state is a disaster, but don't for this guy because he just moved here? It is laughable, but the diehards will buy into it.
Steve- I just received a mailer with Tom and a local police officer on it in uniform. I thought the police were barred by federal law from doing this stuff in uniform. Do you know that answer?
Rick, with that logic, then why reelect Ward, let alone give him a four year term?
Anonymous, you said with that logic why elect Ward. Exactly, any of these long term people need to be tossed out both republican and democract. With CT it will be a lot more democracts they have been running the show and setting budgets for years now. The state is a mess, open your eyes and throw these people out. i wish we could get rid of Larson and Delauro but it won't happen. Somebody should be held accountable for the mess this state is in and if it's not people like Tom C. who would be to blame. 8 or 9 terms he has had his chance and he has failed.
Is that your plan Jason? Picky , Picky, Picky. Where is that law?3:25 Are you trying to distract us from you just moveing here Jason and company?
1:57 Yes hJason who doesnt even know the town would be the savior. Get real !
Is that your plan Jason? Picky , Picky, Picky. Where is that law?3:25 Are you trying to distract us from you just moveing here Jason and company?
Hey Rick kinda like you?
To Rick since when are you and your kind honest?
Are you smarter than a 5 year old? LOL I doubt it.
To the Bristol Realtor you never answered the question did you get the commission on the Welch sale? Hmmm don't want to answer? We all know who you realtors are and how much involved you are with this lying trash. Lets hope you don''t run your business like you run your mouth off here. And I'm sure the good realtors aren't on here.
Welch forms new Facebook campaign page

Welch and his family at a Tea Party gathering at the Capitol last April.
Republican state Senate contender Jason Welch is putting the pieces together quickly for a solid run against veteran Democrat Tom Colapietro, a Bristol Democrat.
His Facebook campaign page already has 117 fans, which isn't bad for a couple of weeks. He also has LinkedIn campaign page that's still pretty new.
One thing's for sure, his family doesn't mind politics. Here's his wife, Elizabeth, and kids campaigning in Massachusetts Tuesday for the successful GOP contender for a U.S. Senate seat, Scott Brown:

Remember this? It was on here but I don't know how to put the pictures up.
8:36 Your post is typical of the Colapietro followers. No substance, just name calling. How about talking about the facts? Look at the financial problems in the state, billions of dollars in debt. Colapietro has offered no solutions to this problem. We want to hear what he plans to do. If he continues to dodge the issue, we can only assume he will do what he has been doing which is not sufficient. Do you think the state's problems are just going to go away? If there are not drastic measures taken, we are all going to pay more out of our pocket. If you don't understand that, then you just don't get it.
Colapietro Couldn't Even Raise His OWN Money...He Was Whining & Whining and At The Last Minute He Finally Got His $(After The Same People Gave More $)What Does That Tell You!...No One Else Had A Problem...When Other People Who Have and Are Running...Colapietro Didn't Give Them A DIME and As Far As Fundraisers, He May Show Up and Say He Is Compt...Who The HELL Is He! We Give, Give, Give To Him and He Gives Nothing To Us...He's NOT Being FAIR...Jason Has Attended Democratic Fundraisers and NEVER Said He Was Compt...Jason Is MORE Aware Of What Our State Needs Than Colapietro Ever Has...Colapietro Has Gotten By On A WING & A PRAYER For Over 17 Years...And He Has Been Lucky...We Haven't, But He Has! If No One Was Running Against Colapietro...I Wouldn't Vote For Him...Mickey Mouse Has MORE Sense! He Says That Jason Is A Carpetbagger & Just Moved To Bristol...What A Joke! He Bought A House Here In Bristol and So What...He Has A Swimming Pool and A Tennnis Court...He Is Obviously NOT Getting In The Senate For The Money! Tommy Lives In A Trailer and Is Tighter Than A Frog's Ass and Has Made Over $600,000 Dollars Over The Past 17+ Years
and Has Done What!!! Is That Hard To Swallow? WAKE UP PEOPLE...I Am A Democrat and Tommy Has VERY LITTLE If Anything To Show Us Proof! I Am Soooo Looking Forward To The Debate On Tuesday 10/26/10...To Prove What I'm Stating Is TRUE and To Laugh My Ass Off(LMAO)...Please Join Us...You'll See For Yourself!!!
P.S. Tommy Says That Jason's Kid's Don't Even Attend School In Bristol...No, They're Homeschooled In Bristol A Their Home...Again, Tommy Doesn't Have A Clue
Is it true Tom Colapietro just moved to town a few years ago and bought a trailer? Does it have two bathrooms? How about a dishwasher? Does his wife collect Hummells? Is it true there's a WINE RACK????
TOM you screwed all of us at ND. You filled your pockets and did nothing. Your all done.
October 22, 2010 8:36 PM
Your's are really non-constructive comments...as usual.
Here's a suggestion for you. Concentrate on sweeping floors and get out of politics.
Are we sure Welch JUST moved into town?? It is a matter of record at City hall you know.
Yup, JUST moved in...house has a pool AND tennis court.
About 30 of the 56 comments on this blog were all written by the lone colapietro lover guy/Tom?. The rest of the comments make sense. We need Jason Welch!
Go Jason!
Go Tom Colapietro "He's one of us"
Dream on 6:58 And keep on lying someday somebody might believe you !
I Just Want To Let You Know That...
I Just Found Out Last Night That Colapietro Wouldn't Debate Welch Unless He Knew ALL The Questions That Would Be Asked...So PLEASE Don't Think He Became Smart OR Aware of What He Needs To Do As A Senator...Ellen Zoppo Will Be Coaching Him On What To Say...Now, That's A Scary Thought!!!
10:56 AM...I Heard The Same Thing...What A Joke!
Colapietro needs a coach...and we need Jason Welch!!!
9:05 AM: If you'd like us to believe that you aren't responsible for 99% of the pro-Colapietro posts, you'd better learn grammar, spelling, and find some other adjectives besides "babies, liars, useless and faceless." Your posts stand out like a sore thumb. Its obvious that you are Tommie's #1 Fan.
Oh, and try to get over the size of Mr. Welch's family or the fact that he has a nice home. These are really non-issues for the rest of us. Thanks!
Is it true Tom has a recliner and some grandchildren?????? OMG Is it true?!
10:56, hopefully zoppo will coach tommie like she coached couture and herself, out of bristol politics.
1:49 Since when do you care about truthful issues. All I want to know is Welch like you? If so he's just another insurance (Like you)
1:36 I don't know. Ever been to his house? More of your so-called issues?
to 10/23 at 9:45
LMAO -- you are too funny!
Thanks for the day brightner amongst all this nasty stuff.
9:45 More of your GOP lies? LMAOROTF we can prove how long Tom's been here. And all you can do is lie and pick on anything about him and his family.You are sick you need serious help.
Oviously you guys tried all the lies you can think of but, it doesnt seem to rattle him but he seems to be rattling you. He must just consider the source!
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