Here's Republican mayoral candidate Ken Johnson's prepared speech for the GOP meeting Tuesday night, which he delivered with only a few additions along the way:
Dear members of the Republican Town Committee: A few short months ago, I stood before you and announced my candidacy for Mayor. Since that time, I have spent countless hours with you, and many others, drumming up support for my candidacy. I have also been assembling a campaign team and raising money -- $10,000 in our first fund raiser -- to will help lead us to victory in November. Therefore, in an effort to put Bristol First, I accept your nomination for Mayor of the City of Bristol.
As many of you know, I am a lifelong resident of Bristol. My parents were both educators – my mom taught in the Bristol public schools for 35 years. I trace my family roots to the 1880’s when the Ebb family came to Forestville. I was educated in Bristol schools, went to college in Virginia, and came back to Bristol to raise my three children with my wife Liz.
Before one decides to run for office a candidate is asked, “Why are you running?” My answer, “To Put Bristol First!”
What exactly does, “Put Bristol First” mean? It’s simple, it means putting the wants, needs, and desires of the people of Bristol before the Party and the personal agendas of career politicians.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am not a career politician. I owe no one favors or special treatment. I am beholden only to what will make Bristol better. I will work to make Bristol more attractive to business and bring jobs to our community. I intend to invite our youth to the table and ask them what we can do to make Bristol a place in which they would like to raise their families. I intend to Put Bristol First.
I intend to be inclusive in governance. This is not the democrats’ town, nor is it the republicans’ town. It’s my town and your town. I will listen to everyone – even those who do not support me -- and then act. We have been mired in indecision and burdened by inactivity. We can no longer afford to do this. I seek your help to Put Bristol First.
There are many pressing issues that face the city. None are more famous, or infamous, than the centre mall. We can no longer debate whether or not the city should have bought the mall. Let’s deal with the here and now. We own the mall and now we need to do what’s in the best interest of the city. I would prefer that the newly formed Downtown Corporation get the mall property into the hands of private developers and back on to the tax rolls as soon as possible. But while acknowledging that revitalization of our downtown is important, it will not happen overnight.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s about more than the mall. Let’s not forget the other issues that need attention- the schools initiative, the industrial park, the Roberts’ property, Route 72, and government reform. For quite awhile we have talked about “What’s wrong at City Hall?” and further about switching to a City Manager form of government. Now is the time to move the topic to the front burner. And if we’re going to move to a City Manager form of government, the people of Bristol have a right to vote on it. Tonight, I am calling on the newly formed Charter Revision Commission to make this issue a top priority for serious study. I intend to advocate for an expanded council with minority representation, as well, and to advocate for four year terms. You see, it is not about which party controls the Mayor’s office and council and for how long, it’s about the best way to govern Bristol in the future. It’s not about putting Party first; it’s about putting Bristol First.
Thank you for endorsing the Bristol First team. Our goals as a team include spending responsibly and intelligently, stabilizing property taxes, promoting our city and attracting new business, and incorporating the Rt. 72 project into the overall plan of economic development. Ultimately, we all seek to make Bristol an attractive place to live, work and raise a family. Our goals are not political; they are about improving our quality of life. The four pillars of my administration are honesty, integrity, diversity and civility. I pledge that we will listen to you. I pledge that we will be honest with you and open to your ideas. I announce this evening that the Bristol First Team and I will embark upon a city-wide listening tour where via door-to-door and cottage meetings we will be asking citizens about their dreams and aspirations and seeking their constructive input to decisions about our collective future.
Did you know that the Democratic leadership thinks the Republican nomination process is irrelevant? Ellen has been quoted as saying that the Democrat’s mayoral primary in September is the real election. How are Republicans supposed to feel about that? To those of you in our city who are Unaffiliated – there’s more of you than there are Republicans or Democrats – how do you feel about that? The Democratic Town Committee has enjoyed the power to virtually appoint Bristol’s leaders for many years. I ask you, is that healthy for our city? Well, let this be the day that we, the Republican Party, firmly state that we are relevant. Let this be the day that we walk from this room as a united party. Let this be the day that we send a strong message to our fellow citizens who have had enough of the same old politicians that, “we’ve got you covered.” We are relevant. Roll up your sleeves, work with the team you’ve endorsed and let’s tell all our fellow Bristolites that its time to Put Bristol First.
In closing, those of us who live, work, and raise our children in Bristol, those of us who have a keen sense of community, deserve better than the status quo. It’s time for action. The team is in place. I believe that we, the residents of Bristol, still control our own destiny. Our dreams and our aspirations for our children and grandchild depend on it. With all of us working together -- republicans, independents and democrats who are ready for change -- getting new voters involved, connecting with the entire community, getting out the vote with our energizing message, we will bring home victory in November – not for the party but for the people. Please join me and let’s “Put Bristol First.”
Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at
1 comment:
I am so impressed with Mr. Johnson! He is belivable and very sincere. I truly believe he cares about our city and its future. I never paid too much attention to politics but I am now.I also think it is great that he is pulling together our city youth and involving them in THEIR future. Mr Johnson I hope one day to greet you with Mayor Johnson!
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