Vandals are having a field day painting the pavers and concrete beneath the new pedestrian walkway over the not-yet-open Route 72 extension in Forestville.
In addition to an array of curse words, they’ve painted the outline of a bicycle in white paint, written ‘KKK’ in bold, black letters and used a can of purple to write ‘Anonymous’ in big letters facing north.
Neighbors said they’ve seen crews trying to clean it all up, but the paint reappears regularly.
Mayor Art Ward said he hasn’t heard about the problem, but he’s not happy to hear that vandals are defacing the state bridge.
“It can’t be tolerated,” the mayor said, because it costs money to clean it up and hurts the image of the city in the meantime.
He said that if police catch the culprits, they’ll be socked with the heaviest possible charges because the city is determined to make examples of vandals who are caught.
Thanks to the neighbor who sent me the picture!
Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com
Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com
once again were are the police or the politians going to cover for them.
There ya go, Artie Ward... keep 72 closed for another year. What do you expect happens to "vacant" property.
If it was a Puerto Rican gang "tag" it wouldn't even have made the papers. But since it's most likely white people who did it, the dogs must be called in.
Why don't you freaks blame the vandals, instead of everyone else!
I'm not terribly surprised.
This is a pedestrian only bridge that is over an un-used road and NOT illuminated at night at all.
Who's ever really going to look at it at night when I'm sure these vandals are doing their deeds?
Spend a few bucks, add a 15A 120V circuit off of a pole with a small meter, and put in some vandal resistant lamps on the bridge, even 200W of fluorescent lamps would illuminate that area well, and make the bridge safer.
We are on a slippery slope with Ward.
10:08, You've probably been on a slippery slope your whole life. Good luck with that, but the rest of are moving forward.
The bridge is lit at night.
The bridge has lights all over it. The concern is that Forest street is now two dead ends due to the pedestrian bridge so there isn't much traffic at all.
Lights won't help this cause, its the reckless that don't care for others property. Too bad they won't use their creativity on a piece of canvas.
Damn those "politains"...
6:32, 2 words for you - ADULT ED.
7:15 - you are very generous thinking that this jerk (5:32) could even pass pre-school recess without needing their Pamper changed.
Here's an idea .... Since the expressway isn't going to be open for vehicular traffic , let's just turn it into a rec. area for cyclists and skateboarders .
Everyone knows they will police the area and keep it free of graffiti and litter until it can be opened for motor vehicles. ;-)
9:17 - please don't insult 8:03 because, being anonymous, many republicans might take it personal and that would further diminish their ranks - that might create a fact that the state gop might realize and send wannabee moccabee back to bristol - believe me, the state's loss is our gain.
Mayor, and advertising on trash buckets doesn't hurt our image?
2:16 - probably won't have your image so we should be okay.
Oh sure, blame the police. What a moron that person is. How can the police be everywhere? 72 is closed so how can the police drive on it? Vandals come out at night, when no one is around to see them. Why didn't you say, how come the neighbors that surround that area never saw anything and called the police?
Cameras Should Be Installed...
Hit a nerve????
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