November 9, 2009

Veterans Day honors many who sacrificed for all

Written for Veterans Day by Lori DeFillippi of Bristol:

Veterans Day is the day when the service of those men and women who honorably performed their duty in the military service by fulfilling their commitment to the call of duty with the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard, is duly recognized by the United States of America. Some gave the supreme sacrifice, many suffered the horrors of war, and others have carried both the physical and emotional scars of those wars for the remainder of their lives. Many, many more have served most honorably both here at home and across the globe, protecting all that this nation stands for.
Today, as the war on terrorism continues, we have a new generation coming home from battle seeking the compassion of a grateful nation. Returning, as many before them had, with physical and psychological scars, years of rehabilitation, and life altering transformations. Different leaders here, and in Washington have different visions on how America can best pay its gratitude to Veterans. All too often people forget and take for granted the freedoms we have today and forget the sacrifices that were made for our precious freedoms. However, the families & friends of those that died never forget.
This country and each of us should be deeply indebted to these individuals for their devotion to the preservation of our form of government, our freedoms. As a means of demonstrating our extreme gratitude for their unselfish service, it is incumbent upon us all to recognize the significance of Veterans Day. Please take an hour out of your busy lives to attend a Veterans Day ceremony in your town. Bring your children, your grandchildren, or a friend. Visit the monuments in your town. Explain to your children that our monuments are more than just stone. Educate them on the extraordinary acts of courage by the names inscribe on the monuments. Expound on our principles, our values, and our heritage, and why so many men and women are willing to give their lives, and have given their lives, to protect these values. Teaching our youth about our past is so vital to their future. This Veterans Day make a promise to yourself, to your family, and to our Veterans - remember them.
Lori DeFillippi
Veterans Educational Services

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at


Anonymous said...


Thanks for all you do on behalf of Veterans AND the youth of Bristol

An appreciative Bristolite

Anonymous said...

what about the donuts,