May 29, 2009

Ward makes case for tech school

Mayor Art Ward said Friday it would be "very shortsighted" for the state to shut down the Bristol Technical Education Center in its quest to save money.
"The Bristol tech school was really starting to come into its own," Ward said, and deserves to remain open to educate young people and adults for whom learning a trade can be the ticket to a successful career.
The mayor said that given the country's manufacturing decline, it doesn't make sense to gut the educational institutions that can help turn the economy around. He said businesses need the school to help get the trained workers they need.
Ward said he understands the state's desire to trim spending, but doesn't believe that closing the school is the way to balance the budget.
The mayor said he's been at the school at least four times since taking office and seen firsthand how it helps some students develop hands-on skills that can turn them into tomorrow's plumbers and other tradespoeple.
"Not everybody's college oriented," Ward said, and it doesn't make sense to turn away those who need other options if they are to contribute as much as they can to society.
"We need the plumbers. We need the HVAC technicians," Ward said.
He said the school is the first step for many to get "a meaningful occupation" that can make them successful and productive members of the community.
Ward said he hopes the city's legislative delegation manages to keep funding for the school in the final budget, which is slated for adoption within days.

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at


Anonymous said...

Ward should know about not everyone being college bound - he had a hard enough time with High School. His leadership skills leave a lot to be desired.

- Billy

Anonymous said...

Does Ward know what its like to work? Sure hasn't done much for Bristol since taking office.

dumby-dumby said...

Quite obvious that 1:34 and 1:41 could have benefited from getting any education at all - repeat after me 1:34 and 1:41, "ignorance is bliss, especially when it is demonstrated so perfectly by idiots such as us" - oops, forgot -someone please be prepared to read this to the illerates 1:34 and 1:41.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like little Billy is a few crayons short of box himself there.

Tim Gamache said...

Billy,1:34,1:41 Are all of you suggesting it's a valid idea to balance the budget on the backs of those students who might not be going to college,but want to learn a skilled trade and be productive citizens?That's a pretty tough sell.

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