October 23, 2007

Stortz taking on Route 6 congestion

The latest press release from Mayor William Stortz:

In a prepared release, Mayor William T. Stortz provided an update on Route 6 traffic and safety issues.

Said Stortz, “For some time, traffic congestion on Route 6, especially east of Brook Street/Mix Street has been an issue. With business activity expanding in the area, traffic especially during commuting hours and Saturdays, has been a problem.

A series of meetings have been held, with State officials, City officials and stakeholders. The State has been cooperative and has been, and is, working at addressing the issue.”

Stortz continued, “While some improvements can be made by modifying signalization, and by better planning as new businesses locate in this stretch of highway, major improvements will more than likely require land acquisition.”

Stortz said, “We are looking forward to additional meetings in the near future to review what State DOT officials have developed, and to work with them as we address this key problem, a problem that impedes economic development, as well as creating neighborhood traffic and safety issues.

While we realize that this will take time to resolve, we are confident that changes can be made in the near future to help alleviate the problem.”

Stortz concluded, “In addition, I have written a letter to DOT Commissioner Carpenter, to look at the section of Route 6 from the North Main Street area west to the town of Plymouth.

Having experienced two fatal, and very emotional accidents on this stretch in the recent past, I felt that action has to be taken.

Since that is a State highway, DOT would have the key role in making any changes or recommendations, as to signage, or possibly changes to the road itself.

Commissioner Carpenter did respond, and indicated that DOT would work with our Police Department to review that portion of the road and effect appropriate changes.

Both sections are of interest and concern and I do appreciate Commissioner Carpenter’s and DOT’s willingness to address these issues for the overall betterment of Bristol.”

Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com


Anonymous said...

Give it a rest, Stortz. There is nothing that can be done about it anymore. This is a sad attempt at creating a legacy. You will go down as one of the most ineffective mayors ever. At least Couture tried to do something, even if it was crazy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bill. I'm glad someone is finally trying to do something about this problem.

Anonymous said...

Stortz: Who cares about North Street? Are you obsessing about downtown again?
The problem area of Route 6 is between King Street, up to and beyond Stafford Ave. As usual you're missing the target completely.
Are you planning on moving to Terryville?

Anonymous said...

The accident on Terryville Ave had nothing to do with the road design. The kid was driving 140 MPH. That accident would have been fatal on any road.

Anonymous said...

Ward brought this up to Stortz when he was Mayor for 1 month - and
Stortz did nothing, NOW he wants to try and do something? Just like Johnson, full of hot air.

Anonymous said...

Poster at 8:29

Where do you think East of Brook and Mix Street is ?????

Anonymous said...

The STate has been meeting with the Mayor's office about this area of Rt 6 since Couture was in. There is little they can do, or will do.

The issues are many - timing of the lights from Stafford Ave to Walmart. - Number of curb cuts to enter and exit businesses - Mid-intersection cuts (not at a light, just past a light) which cause backups like Frankies, and right now the construction of Taco Bell is becoming an issue on top of the normal stuff.

This involves Ron Burns and his connections at the State since he is the rep for that area. Roger Michele used to say all the time that there is nothing the State can do about it. I hope Ron Burns can come up with something more than Roger did.

They also need to get the State to extend the sidewalk from Sheila Court to Walmart. It only goes half way so residents have to walk in the road - real bad place for that, expecially if you are in a wheelchair.

Anonymous said...

Another sad attempt at trying to deflect the failed policies of a failed administration.