October 23, 2007

Nicastro pasta dinner on Nov. 2

Press release:
A pasta dinner campaign fundraiser for Frank Nicastro, Bristol Democratic Council candidate in the 3rd District, will be held on Friday, November 2, 2007, from 5-7:30 PM at the Bristol Elks Club, 126 South Street. Tickets are $10 for Adults; $5 for children aged 7-12; 6 and under are free.

Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com


Anonymous said...

Hey Frank is it going to be left over pasta - like your lawn signs? Talk about cheap, you are using old lawn signs.

Anonymous said...

What is the hype about political signs? I don't know any intelligent people who vote by candidate's sign usage. Do you know anyone who got elected because their signs were bigger, more colorful, more plentiful, or ran 6 across one lawn? Make an educated decision as to who would make the better leader by going to forums, reading the newspaper, and calling the candidates on the phone to ask questions that you'd like answers to.

Anonymous said...

No on is saying anything about lawn signs based on votes. Just how Frank is reusing his lawn signs, cutting out the state rep portion. Its cheap.
You need to take a chill-pill.

Anonymous said...

We need to ban lawn signs altogether

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that Frank's lawn signs didn't go up months ago, and that he's re-using them. He's careful about spending money and more importantly, it's not wasteful and it is environmentally friendly to re-use and re-cycle. I doubt he planned it this way, but Frank's gone green... eco friendly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We need frugal folks representing Bristol. Way to go Frank!