October 25, 2007

Stortz says mill rate would be higher without conveyance tax

From Mayor William Stortz, in response to my question about his thoughts on whether the extra conveyance tax should be turned down, as Republican mayoral hopeful Ken Johnson called for:

The city council approved utilizing the opportunity that the state afforded certain cities, those that were more in need.
The difference to Bristol would have averaged over $600,000/yr over the past few years. About .2 mill.. Without that revenue source this year, the milll rate increase would have been 40% higher.
The question then is, where would that additional monies have come from?
As a Real Estate Agent, as an owner of a Real Estate Firm, I am sure Mr. Johnson joins in with the rest of his profession in opposing this revenue source. I know I was criticized by leadership within my own party for supporting this legislation, for I was told it would hurt fund-raising.
As the legislation was being discussed, I looked at the total picture and impact on the city in making my decision.
The issue is moot for this year: I do not think it realistic to change it during the current fiscal year, and it probably will be an issue before the legislature next session as to whether to change the Sunset Date.
Then the city Might have the opportunity to make a decision again.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com


Anonymous said...

Strotz...Shut up!! Please Bristol could care less about what you think.

If you had done your job at controlling spending than taxes would not have to go up.

You have 18 days left as Mayor. Please keep your promise and when this election is over. Shut UP!

Anonymous said...

For the first time ever I agree with Stortz. Someone else must have written this or given him the information because he hasn't had this clear of a thought during his entire term.

Anonymous said...

18 days....Amen. Stortz was the worst to ever happen to this city. I strongly regret backing him 2 years ago

Anonymous said...

Higher oil prices, higher gas, elec...the city will be paying more we need this money. So I have to agree with keeping this tax.
Ken Johnson - you are a very scary man not understanding how the city runs.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous who posted at 4:05 I agree 100%.

Anonymous said...

There he goes again...using his office to bash Ken Johnson our next Mayor. Come on Stortz go out like a man not a whinning cry baby.

Talk about Republicans eating there own...Stortz is the hog at that table.

Anonymous said...

Hey if we need this so bad and spending is going up regardless b/c of the cost of living and etc, why don't we think of more things to tax. How about an extra 1% on everything? It's so small like the conveyance tax no one will notice. How about we bring in a city luxury tax say on Ipods at like 2%. That can net us a little more and we can increase spending again. There is no limit to this. It can be great!

Who has a new project they want for the city? How about a monument to Karl Marx? We can come up with another tax, but this time we will only do it on 93 octane gas. The only people who use that stuff have nice cars, and therefore are wealthy and will feel it less. We will keep it small.

Give me a @#$ing break!!
Stop spending like idiots!!
Set some priorities on projects and take a hard line.

Anonymous said...

Ken Johnson knows how the city is run.

You must be a Democrat because all of you advocate higher taxes.

Stortz should do the honorable thing and become a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

And Ken Johnson hasn't been beating up on Stortz?
It is about time that Stortz fired back.
I hope he continues to point out the inexperience, the lack of city knowledge of Johnson.

By the way, taxes went up about HALF the rate of inflation!

Steve Collins said...

For those of you who care, the mayor said he reads your comments here. But he has no plans to slow down. He said he's being paid to be mayor and isn't giving up his efforts to make a better Bristol until a new mayor is sworn in.
That's how it should be, too, whether you like him or hate him.

Anonymous said...

Storz should stop trying to undercut your own party mayor effort! You've been a lame duck for the past two year! Your part of the administration that peole are tired of!

Even if Ken Johnson looses, the Republican's still win because your gone!

Isn't it funny, you and Ward didn't talk for the longest time. Now you and him a buddy buddy! I saw the two of you in City Hall hallway having a planning session! Are you now working for the Ward camp?

It's funny how history repeats itself! You did a lousy job as mayor the first time, and nothing has changed the second time!

Anonymous said...

Gee I saw Ward talking to Rell in Hartford, oh my what does that mean? You talk about Stortz being a loser, yet you post something like this because Ward was talking to Stortz? God help us!

Anonymous said...

If anyone was to look at all the wasted money for consultants and attorney’s fees, just on the Centre Mall alone, as well as the poor managerial skills of the present administration, the people of Bristol would never have had to pay this tax. Remember, this tax was only supposed to be temporary, so people should stop thinking of it as an endless stream of cash for “special purchases.”

Anonymous said...

Mr. Stortz forgets that the only reason he was elected this time was because that election was all about “anyone but Couture”

Anonymous said...

Some people think real estate agents don’t like the conveyance tax because they’ll lose money. Quite the opposite – it’s the seller who loses the money because the tax is paid out of his pocket. In fact, the seller may even raise the price of his house to recoup the cost of the tax, so in that case the real estate agent’s commission would be even higher.

If the city needs money for special purchases, then everyone should share the burden equally, not just the folks trying to sell their homes.

Anonymous said...

Joe Geladino, if you don't get elected, are you again going to apply for a city job.

Do you think Ken will get you one?

Anonymous said...

Hey Stortz. Only Democrats advocate higher taxes.

You must be a democrat in sheeps clothing.

By the way, your comment on Geladino is another sign of why the GOP bounced you butt this year.

YOur a coward who didn't the the guts to challenge Ken Johnson for the nomination b/c you knew that you were going down in flames.

Some people say Frank Longo was the worst Mayor of BRistol, You beat him by miles. At least Frank Longo made a decision.

16 days Bill and than off to the rocking chair, or the insane asylum which comes first.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Tell Ed Krawiecki that only democrats raise taxes!!!!

Is he involved in this campaign too?

Anonymous said...

Like you wouldn't believe.

He is fighting for his job, and power.

Another Kosta