October 25, 2007

DeFillippi defends elected school board

From Lori DeFillippi, park commissioner:
Did you know that according to the National School Boards Assoc. (NSBA) that nationally 96% of school boards are elected? Did you know that elected school boards are increasingly targeted for takeover by Mayors, as well as governors?
School board members are trustees for the educational welfare of all children in the communities they serve. They are elected by the people and are directly accountable to the community. Although we as parents, and all members of the community, may not always agree with the board members views/changes, they are accountable to the community who voted them in. I am speaking as a parent, and share the views of other parents who have children in our educational system. School Board members appointed by the Mayor or anybody else for that matter is a bad idea. Who is to say the Mayor, the Council or, heaven forbid, a newspapers picks “better people”?
The key factor in electing School Board members is that WE get a vote, and if WE don’t like the job he or she is doing, WE can vote that person out in the next election. Our political system and our country have been built on the promise that WE will have representation of the people and for the people. Who would the “appointed” members represent? And if we didn’t like the job they were doing, how would we get rid of them?
Of all elected positions we have in this country, School Board members must have the confidence of parents and the community as a whole, and you don’t get that by appointing members. You are asking us, the voters, parents, to trust the appointments of school board members by a Mayor and Council members with our most valuable resource, our children. So why would you not trust us with our vote to elect these members?
If people wanting to serve on the school board do not want to stand up to the rigors of a citywide election, I don’t want them representing me nor our children’s’ educational needs. You need to reject this notion that an appointed school board can do a better job than an elected board. It’s discriminatory and just wrong.
My children have gone through the elementary process. My son is in middle school and my daughter just entered her freshmen year in high school. I have been very satisfied with their educational needs being meant. I know I have a say in the election process. I know the school board members are accountable to the community. School Board members know that without the majority of community approval, nothing would get accomplished, and to think that an elected board cannot achieve community success shows no respect at all for the current School Board members who, like it or not, were voted into office by the citizens of Bristol.

Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com


Anonymous said...

Nice to see that someone out ther is paying attention, a little research goes along way this perception created by the orange team does the cities image no good..Yes there is room for better communication.

Anonymous said...

What makes Defillipi such an expert? Maybe elected boards serve the public in some places, but in those places I am quite sure that the elected boards are responsive to public wishes rather than what our Bristol board has been doing in thumbing its nose at the public. In other places the elected school board makes it self available to the public in the campaign so the people know where they stand, but not in Bristol.

The current Bristol Board of Ed. and all the candidates for Board of Ed. should be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said...

I agree - keep the elected board, its my right to choose, and I do not want some politicain taking that away from me.

Anonymous said...

DeFillipi fails to understand that the voters of Bristol don't really elect the Board of Education. Because of the way it is organized and the reality of Bristol, the Democratic Town Committee picks 6 of the members, and the Republican Town Committee picks 3 of the members. The voters get to pick 9 out of 12 people, but it almost always comes down to party affiliation, since the candidates themselves don't bother to say anything, not even empty rhetoric. Hardly a choice.

The voters don't really have any real say. Sorry Lori. People will probably start saying she's getting attacked because she's a woman or whatever, but in this case Lori is simply wrong. I don't know why her view gets covered like she is special. I'd rather hear what teachers and real education experts have to say about this.

Anonymous said...

I concur completely.I don't believe this would have been as much an issue if the incumbents/candidates had chosen to speak up and give the voters/parents the oppurtunity to hear their views.

Anonymous said...

De Fliped Out has struck again!

Anonymous said...

Ms. DeFillippi needs to be commended for echoing the sentiments of the majority of the community.
If you are not happy with your curent representation, as I am not, then we need to find more concerned candidates, even if it is one at a time - don't take my right to decide away from me - thank you Ms. DeFillippi.

Anonymous said...

Ms. DeFlippi they were voted in by the democratic and Republican Town Committees.

Who asked you anyway?

Anonymous said...

The process for selecting candidates for the Board of Ed is no different from the process for selecting City Council candidates...the respective Town Committees nominate them, and then the people vote. So how come the Republicans want to eliminate our elected school board? Because on one issue they don't think the Board has been responsive? Then vote them out! That's democracy!

And what do the Republican candidates for Board of Ed think of this? Why are the City council and mayoral candidates expected to state their position on this issue, but the Board of Ed candidates get a pass?

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should elect the Park Board?

Anonymous said...

The bottom line here is DON"T TAKE AWAY THE RIGHT TO VOTE. Last poster, EVERYONE has the right to be heard, at least defillipi put her name on it, unlike you who used anonymous! defillipi never said she was an expert, she used NSBA - obviously you are bitter, maybe because she is a woman I don't know. I think its because she spoke up about how she feels and included her name. Parents should have the right to choose out of the members before them. I vote to keep my rights to vote. Thank you defillippi.

Judi G.

Anonymous said...

10:14 PM, at least Ms. Defillippi expresses an intelligent opinion on an issue which should be of concern to all of Bristol, even you. The fact of the matter is that everyone has a right to voice their opinion, even you.
The difference between her opinion and your garbage is R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Anonymous said...

Listen to Lori. She is vet and therefore an expert on eductaion, even if she doesn't know what Sputnik was.

Anonymous said...

She never stated she was an expert on education. Maybe you need to read the letter again and COMPREHEND what it states.
Better yet, if you have nothing valuable to add maybe you should find another venue to vent.

Anonymous said...

Poster at 10:26am Do you remember EVERYTHING in History you were taught?
I bet you would not be able to pass a 5th grade history test!!

Anonymous said...

Without using your computer know it all poster, who was little boy?
(I am sure your are looking it up on Google) c'mon go from memory, which you can't. so you see - sometimes we do forget throughout our lives.
By the way - "Little Boy" the code name used for the Abomb dropped on Aug. 6, 1945. Maybe we should just have asked you what day was "Little Boy Day."
Now can you move on like the rest of us have?

HistoryMan, who respects the person you are bashing.

Anonymous said...

Is this worth a commentary?
I don't like a lot of the public statements that Ms. Defillipi has made. This one is included.
She is an obvious partisan and really her comments on this issue in particular are merit-less because she is no expert.
She is an expert veteran-panderer. That would be to "the-country-owes-me-and-I-want-more" veteran crowd.

Anonymous said...

My sister, Lori DeFillippi, cannot post on these blogs due to her work computers being a federal system. I did emailher this afternoon with the post from the poster at 12:49pm, because I found it very disrespectful. Lori emailed later and asked if I would post her remarks to you on her behalf. So hear is her post to you:

Mr. Anonymous Poster at 12:49:

What exactly do you have against Veterans? Let me assure you Veterans do not feel the "country owes them" IF, you knew me, you would know I am nothing as to what your disrespectful, conscending remark said. I work for the VA. I
fight for Veteran rights everyday - not the kind of crap you note "the county owes me." I fight for their rights to medical benefits, their rights to a prosthetic, because their
limb(s) were blown off. I fight for their *PTSD conditions to be addressed. I fight for their rights to be compensated because they have *TBI, because an *IED,
exploded to close to them and now they can't work. Of a *GSW took out the eye(s). I fight for policy changes to address the needs of the number of Veterans returning, and our aging WWII, Korea & Vietnam Veterans, whom by the way, have numerous cancers related to herbicides sprayed in V.Nam. I fight for funding that should be allocated for Veterans because of the care that is NEEDED
& required for extensive rehab. & PTSD related issues, NOT because the "country owes them". How dare you come on this blog and talk about something you know NOTHING about. How shameful that there are men & women fighting and dieing in our country today so your sorry for excuse butt can sit at your computer all day degrading those who have given you the very right to freedom of speech! If my advocating for Veterans bothers you so much, then I suggest you come to the VA someday and visit a few Veteran groups and tell them "the-country-owes-me-and-I-want-more syndrome." Volunteer a day helping a young 19 year old walk again. Try looking into the face of the family and tell them you are sorry but your loved one will not regain his sight. Or the homeless Veteran, who can't afford healthcare, who comes to the VA for his medications, he can't come here any longer. Try and comprehend this Mr. Anonymous - when you walk into the VA you will see a sign, "The Price of Freedom is visiable here." Think about it, then go look in the mirror and repeat your statement.
If you have a problem with me, becasue of what I do for Veterans - I don't give a rats A**! I do encourage you however to pick up the phone and call me, or better yet, a face to face converstaion with me, so I can at least look you in the eyes when I say on behalf of ALL VETERANS, enjoy your freedom, now go to hell!

Veteran Advocate,
Lori DeFillippi

P.S. In case you need help with your acronyms Mr. Anonymous:

*IED - Incoming Explosive Device
*TBI - Tramatic Brain Injury
*PTSD - Post Tramatic Stree Disorder
*GSW - Gun Shot Wound

Anonymous said...

I am so disgusted with these posts from people who don't care or know what they are taking about. I feel the same way about the BOE, keep it the way it is, elected.
I do think the letter was her opinion not an expert opinion to the poster who said this. You are so rude to bash someone because they are a veteran and work for veteran rights. My dad is a veteran and I find you remarks upsetting and totally disrespectful. Maybe that is why you didn't use your name.

Y. Adkins.

Anonymous said...

Either method can work or both can fail. Right now we have an elected BOE and the system is failing. There is a multi-million dollar proposal in play that includes "experimenting" with the grade structure and the information that the public has could not fill a thimble.

Here's the rub. A key reason for the failure is that the candidates that we get to vote on are chosen by the town committees of the two major parties. Then those candidates and the parties that enlist them provide the voters with no meaningful source of information about their ideas, beliefs or positions on education and how they plan to lead the BOE for Bristol and its children. Like it or not that is the factual situation we are in. So my question is what are you voting for? I love the concept of being able to vote for key roles in city government but I like to do so with sufficient information to make an informed decision. It's not just an issue of "better communication" it's an issue of no communication. This BOE needs to provide transparency on themselves and on the plans for the future. What if the current plan becomes reality? What is the plan to bring the rest of the system into a consistent structure? We don't know and neither does the BOE.

So again, I ask what are you voting for? A bunch of names on a ballot sheet? What good is that? At least if I don't like the appointments of a mayor I can bounce him/her every two years. He/She would have much at stake and at risk with poor appointments. His or her actions are very visible. Can you say the same for BOE members?

Anonymous said...

Nobody is questioning veterans, and Lori knows that. People are questioning Lori's holier then thou attitude, that somehow her opinion matters more then others, and that her veteran status somehow makes her a better citizen. Some people wrap themselves in the flag, and Lori does that. I served, I was happy to serve, but I don't define myself that way like others do. And I certainly don't choose my leaders based on military service. Some of the people I served with I wouldn't want leading me to a water fountain, definitely not a city.

Anonymous said...

The only one that seems to be question her holier then thou is you and a few others. Anyone who knows her, knows she is nothing like that. She states her opinions, like anyone else. Whether you agree or disagree, she never said in that letter he opinion matters. Don't read into whats not there. I think you need to change your way of thinking, if that is possible.

Anonymous said...

"Some people wrap themselves in the flag, and Lori does that."
Hey anon - and this is a bad thing?
I am a veteran for the Persian Gulf, i'm proud of my service and gladly will tell you - does that make me holier then thou too? No it means I am proud of my country, my service and I was willing to die for my flag, so excuse if a veteran wraps themselves in it. Being a veteran makes one a better person - unlike you who seems to brand veterans as a bad thing.
You need a life.

I do not want to give my name for fear that you will look at me differently!


Anonymous said...

Jon Boi sure spends a great deal on this blog now that he is retired. Guess when defillippi told you one day where you could stick your attitude and comments, you really never got over it.
Get over Jon Boi holding grudges leads to heart attacks.


Anonymous said...

W.F. obviously you can't read very well. The poster you complain about is also a vet, he/she just doesn't feel the need to advertise it like you obviously do. But that would make sense for you to advertise it since you said being a veteran makes you "better" than everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Wow - seems you have a chip on your shoulder! NO ONE ever said being a veteran makes you "better" then anyone else.
Try getting over that little voice in your head. It appears no matter what people say on this blog your belief will always remain the same. What a shame someone like you walks this earth.


Anonymous said...

Steve, its really getting old and tiresome to come on your blog and read comments from people who have nothing better to do then degrade others for doing good things. Time to stop letting these losers get off on seeing their messages of hate.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

I think the BOE should continue to be elected; however, I'd at least like to know who I'm voting for and what that person stands for. I haven't seen much in the press as to what each candidate stands for. What do the BOE incumbents have to hide that they haven't actively campaigned? I hope they aren't resting on their "laurels" over the proposed new schools. (Maybe that's why they're being so quiet"

Anonymous said...

Steve, is it me or is it clear that the bloggers on this thread couldn't stay on point if their lives depended on it?

HELLO! The issue was elected vs. appointed BOE. Not veterans, not Ms. DeFillippi and certainly not who can launch the most hurtful personal attacks.

Meanwhile we have an elected BOE giving the voters the silent treatment. But go ahead folks and just keep flailing away at the wrong thimgs. Let me know how that works out for you when we're saddled with a screwed up school system and a mountain of debt to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the folks who note that many veterans wrap themselves in the flag. It is kind of sad actually. i say this as a one time screaming chicken or puking buzzard (101st ABN to you folks who don't know the reference) who is now a PFC (proud ___ civilian - best promotion of my short but honorable military career.

Lori, please note that IED is improvised explosive device and not incoming explosive device.

Anonymous said...

October 26, 2007 4:35 PM poster:
I agree with you completely. First of all Defillippi's comments on the school buildings are completely irrelevant. Does she even have kids? Shame on Collins for even putting Defillippi in the spot light anyway.

Ms. Defillippi went beyond being a "veterans advocate" when she used her public personana to attack Mayor Stortz and other opponents of Art Ward.
Sorry Lori you are no longer just a "veterans advocate" (although I'm sure you get paid well for your work), you are a hack for the Ward campaign and will be treated as such.
Also your draconian idea for a law mandating businesses to give days off (paid for state workers I'm sure) to veterans to "educate" children on the "veteran" experiences is completely wrong headed. Too bad you didn't study the Constitution:

"Amendment III:
No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."

You are as out of line in your thinking with that as you were in the mean, partisan, unfair way you attacked the mayor for moving a lousy fence.

Anonymous said...

WHo ever the last poster is you are some real piece of work - educating kids on veterans awarness is wrong? Where do you people live anyway under a rock? Anyone and everyone has a right to their opinions - Steve why do you allow these simple minded men to come on here and attack women who are strong minded, strong willed and not afraid of these so called losers. I think the only way these guys ever get a women is to drug then or get them drunk. Its obvious they like low self-esteem women who will let these guys crawl on them.
The more I read on here the more I am turned off, and not surprised that Bristol has some real losers!

Irene P.

Anonymous said...

Anon poster 4:35 - its quite obvious you read the letter but did not comprehend - she did state she had 2 kids.
Guess you were blinded by your hatered for Ms. Defillippi rather then read the letter. Why can't you and all the others on here get over yourselves and realize its only an opinion. I feel the same way of anyone taking away my right to vote. Maybe the Dem & Rep pick the people but I still have a say on who I want. Once you make it appointed people/parents are cut off from the process.
Is sad really that you hate defillippi because she, as you said blasted Stortz on a fence. Well, she should have, she was the only one who had the guts to do it while the others sit with fear of speaking. I bet you were the poster she nailed on Friday and you just can't get over it. What a huge baby you are. Grow up and deal with lifes changes and others opinions.


Anonymous said...

I agree with the folks who note that many veterans wrap themselves in the flag. It is kind of sad actually.

Maybe you should consider another country to live in. I know a great deal of people who are proud of their country and FLAG.
You guys are real LOSERS!

Anonymous said...

If you read the rest of my comment you would note that I am veteran. While some of my fellow veterans use every opportunity to wrap themselves in the flag, most of us get on quietly with our lives, proud of our service, but forgoing the pleasure of beating non-veterans over the head with our supposed moral superiority to say nothing of war stories at the VFW.

Anonymous said...

To the last poster:

Anonymous said...

What insecurities? Quite the contrary, I and most veterans do not feel compelled to remind everyone of our service. We do not hide it but nor do we revel in it. If any one is insecure, it is those who feel the need to remind people of their service at every opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Don't see that happening these days, except when education is involved. But the fact that you have to keep using "anonymous" and spit venom, proves you need help and your insecurties are coming out. Ever hear of veterans being proud of their service?
You are one sick person - please get help.

Irene P. (Proud wife of a VETERAN!!)

Anonymous said...

I don't consider honoring the memories of those who gave their lives wearing the military uniform of this country, remembering those whom have, and still are, suffering from wounds incurred in battle for this country nor paying homage to every man and woman who ever wore the uniform of our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard or Merchant Marines as wrapping one's self in the flag, I call it rendering due respect with gratitude and dignity.
Thank you Lori for all that you do to keep us aware of the brave and valliant men and women who have served, are serving and who will sacrifice and serve this great nation. SEMPER FI

Steve Collins said...

In her comment on the Board of Education, DeFillippi said nothing about veterans. She didn't argue that we owe it to veterans to keep an elected board or vice versa. She discussed the issue at hand.
How that spiraled into an argument about whether DeFillippi is too pro-veteran or something is one of the many mysteries of the internet.
DeFillippi's support of veterans -- and educating young people about our wars and the men and women who served in them -- shouldn't be controversial in the slightest. She's doing a great deal for causes she believes in, causes that don't hurt anybody and do, in fact, help to bring honor to those who did their country's bidding.
I don't believe that saying thank you to our veterans -- and showcasing them occasionally - makes them morally superior. It just means we're grateful for their service, as we should be.
I can't help thinking, yet again, that every woman who pokes her head up in Bristol becomes an instant target. That's not how it ought to be.

Anonymous said...

Steve, this is partly your fault for elevating DeFillipi's position on the schools. I doubt you would post an opinion piece by just anyone, and Lori brings absolutely no special insight to the school issue.

Steve Collins said...

But I am trying to post intelligent arguments that others make on here because my own posts are largely just journalism. Sometimes it helps to have somebody taking a real stand, not just laying out the issue.

Steve Collins said...

And I don't just want to let candidates have their say, which I've done to excess, if anything. Voters should have access as well.

Anonymous said...

Steve, you are correct in what you say - it does appear people, men in general have a big problem with women when they state their opinions. Defillippi has 2 kids in the school system, she was a PTA President, she works with the schools on the veteran education program, she is a park commissioner, she is on the honor guard for the Legion. Ms. Defillippi is involved in her community, takes an active role on speaking her opinion. I for one know her. She is a wonderful lady.
She is not afraid to back down to anyone, let alone the real losers posting on here. She has respect for our veterans past and present.
Its really too bad many take joy in degrading someone who offers so much to their community. I am sure those that post on here bashing are sitting at home (in the dark) and not getting involved but rather complain. I say keep up the great work Lori! For the few that post on here with negative comments, rest assured you have many, many, others who respect you for what you are doing.


Anonymous said...

For the bitter poster on 10/27 @ 3:24pm - the day off was for ALL VETERANS and not just for them to get the day off to educated students on Veterans, it was a day off for Veterans. You need to read and try to understand the issue before you start opening that big trap of yours!
I would explain it to you, but I really don't want to waste my time on such an air head.


Anonymous said...

I want the BOE to stay elected!
As parents and voters its our right, if you don't like what they are doing speak out. Go to the meetings, offer suggestions, write letters, etc...
Just because they have a lack of communication going on, does not mean for Johnson to take the voters/parents right a way.
Fix where the problems are don't create new ones!!!!


Anonymous said...

I want an elected BOE.

Anonymous said...

1) You go Lori!
2) You go Steve!
3) The bill proposed was to make
Veterans Day an UNPAID hoilday
for ALL veterans!

Anonymous said...

Oh you have insecurities for sure man! Big time!! Seek help for those issues. As for defillippi, I give the woman a thumbs up. She is well respected and I really think that is what bothers you the most. Your hatered for her, why, who knows, who cares. When educating our youth on Veteran issues, she never once talks about herself, unless a student asks. I know because I help on that day.
Serouisly, you need help. I doubt if you were even a Veteran, if you are, the way you talk, about Veterans - terrible.


Anonymous said...

Elected Board if the way to go.

Anonymous said...

To Kathy on 10/28, 2:53 PM - Maybe you understand this and maybe you don't but Ken Johnson (or any elected official) cannot unilaterally take your right to vote for the BOE away. They can however suggest, as can any citizen that the Charter Revision Committee makes a recommendation to the city council to put such a change to the voters in referendum. If an elected BOE goes away then it will be at the hands of the voters.

To the rest of you on this thread who clearly want to retain an elected BOE I ask why? You have an elected BOE now and if you believe that it's working for the best of our children and the voters then you have a very low threshold for success. It is not just a matter of poor communication. If it were, then this would not be an issue. The BOE functions as it does because it feels it can do so with impunity. They may be elected but the manner in which they are nominated and then run for office places them in a position to do as they please and be unresponsive. They may as well have been appointed. You may vote but under the current structure your vote is nothing more than a ratification of the choice of the Democratic & Republican Town Committees. It may very well be that returning to an appointed BOE is not the right choice. That said, something needs to change.

Anonymous said...

Voters already voted to keep the BOE elected - how many more times do we have to bring this issue up again? Lets get onto more important issues. School performance is one key if the BOE is doing its job, and all our schools, with the lack of $$ from the no child left behind, is performing. Johnson is merely going on HIS OWN OPINION as to what he thinks is best - well he is wrong!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Lori for speaking about the elected BOE. I to want the BOE to remain elected.
As for you do as a veteran - God Bless you! You are a one wonderful lady. I really think the men posting on here have a real problem because you are not backing down to them. My daughter heard you speak at her school 2 years ago and she too thinks you are "cool."

So thank you, don't let these losers tell you differently.


Anonymous said...

Funny how all these people come here defending Lori Defillippi for speaking out on stuff she knows nothing about, yet the same crowd was slamming Ellen Zoppo for being organized, smart,actually knowing what she's talking about, and working hard to make real improvements in Bristol. Talk about a double standard.

Anonymous said...

9:01 - this conversation started out as a citizens right to express her views regarding an issue that we have all been charged with, the responsibility of considering - an elected versus an appointed Board of Education - what part of that don't you and others understand?
Ms. Defillipi expressed her opinion, as you, I and so many others have done, and some ignorant, belligerent jerk decided that it was a veterans issue instead of the issue of an elected or an appointed Board of Education.
Have a problem with this issue or a problem with Ms. Defillippi's stance on veterans issues, people need to deal with it accordingly, don't act stupid - evaluate everything appropriately and then come to a conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Because there is a huge difference with defillippi & Zoppo. Defillippi treats people with respect, is kind, caring, and a pleasure to be around. Zoppo treated people as if they were gum on her shoe, she is mean, vindictive & condescending.
People appreciate the goodness in defillippi, she gets what she gives. Sorry if you think its a double standard, but people remember how they are treated.
Just goes to show you don't have to have the characteristics as Zoppo to get ahead.

Irene P.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the poster at 9:01pm knows NOTHING about defillippi, yet claims she knows nothing about her stated letter? Obvious you are a Zoppo fan, and with that its understandable why you would be attacking defillippi.
I have known Lori for over 10 years and let me tell you something she knows more about BOE issues then you and your so called cohort. Lori has been involved with BOE issues just by reading, researching, and reading up on issues and policies like anyone else who cares to do their homework. Lori's uncle is a professor for Boston University, her aunt is an Asst. Super. for the State BOE for Boston. Her husband, sister in laws all work for the school system - teachers!
So what makes you the expert on defillippi? You know nothing about her, so unitl you do I suggest you keep your foot on the ground where it belongs.
As for comparing Lori & Zoppo, Zoppo does not come close to Lori's personality nor her attitude when it comes to treating people.
People come on here defending Lori because we all know her. We know the way she treats others. Lori gave her time to spend with my dad while he was dieing. She was always there for our family, no matter when we called. She did this because that is her heart. That is the big difference why people are in her corner.
If Lori doesn't like you, she will tell you so. Not pretend, then stab you in the back the way Zoppo has done over the years.
You need to get over your issue with Ms. Defillippi. We ALL KNOW her and that is why we defend her.

B. V.

Anonymous said...

Just because Lori is related to educators doesn't make her an expert. Let them chime in with their positions. Actually, this relationship makes Lori a biased person.

Is she saying these things because it's in the best interests of education, or because it's in her best interests as the wife and sister in law of teachers? Maybe an elected board of education will give the union more benefits than an appointed board.

Anonymous said...

Stick to the issue if you can. Elected or Appointed. I want the elected board of ed. As for the letter, it was her opinion. As for family members, it gives her insight, and in touch with what many parents are not in touch with. But regardless, no one ever claimed she was being an expert, nor did she claim it.
Now can we all move on?

Steve M.

Anonymous said...

Actually, since I am not an educator and am not related to any educators, I think I have a special insight into this question, that is, I am unbiased.

So Lori's view gets special coverage and immunity from criticism because of the veteran stuff, and her views are more meaningful than others because she is related to educators? That's what's happening here, and that's why people are making a big deal of this.