October 26, 2007

Lydem wants more energy assistance

New press release from Democratic City Council candidate Bruce Lydem:


Today’s Bristol Press featured an article about the real estate conveyance tax. Focusing on the real estate conveyance tax is missing the point entirely.

In today’s business news the price of oil has hit just over $90 a barrel! Bristol residents can expect to pay record prices to heat their homes and fill up their tanks with gas this year. This is unacceptable.

While the conveyance tax only kicks in when you buy or sell a property, the price of energy to heat your home and fill up your car with gas hits you every single day. If this coming winter season is a cold as many believe it will be, it will be a long, hard winter.

Leadership is about setting priorities and fighting for those issues that most impact your constituents. What affects Bristol’s citizens more, a tax that kicks in only when you sell or buy a property or the high prices you pay everyday to fill your car up with gas and heat your home? The answer is obvious.

We should focus on giving our citizens, especially our seniors, the help they need with energy assistance. We should be working toward securing funds at the state and federal levels, to help our seniors and those in most need deal with the every increasing cost of energy. It is the right thing to do.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com


Anonymous said...

Holy Pandering Batman!!

I wonder what you'll come out with next. How about an early bird special for senior voters at Applewoods sponsored by your campaign.

You must be getting nervous if you're stooping to fear mongering. Maybe the base of your union buddies and Zoppo supporters isn't as large as you thought it was.

Anonymous said...

will union guys be delivering the oil?

Anonymous said...

When Lydem and his union buddies get through bleeding Bristol, no one will be be able to live here, and everyone will need fuel assistance.

Anonymous said...

What can the city do about energy assistance for seniors.

You go to BCO if you qualify within the income limts you get assistance.

Leave it to the Democrats and you'll have a distress blue hair town because young working families won't be able to live here.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Ken

Anonymous said...

More brilliance from Bruce Lie-Dem

Anonymous said...

This guy takes his marching orders from the AFL-CIO. Obviously the unions have bank-rolled his campaign either directly or indirectly.. This, like most every other statement he makes is right out of the union-left political script. Lydem is the next Colapietro...a union pawn.

Anonymous said...

This is really going to cut my taxes.

Anonymous said...

more like "Lie-dumb"

Anonymous said...

Wow, you people are unbelievable! Here's a guy who is trying to help out the seniors and you STILL bash him! Guess you're all Republicans trying to get people to not focus on Ken "flip-flop-deceive-the-public-panderer-of-the-year" Cockayne. Apparently none of you are seniors or you wouldn't be making such stupid comments. Don't forget that a lot of people in this town are part of unions and I'm one of them. It would be wise not to anger the union folks.

Anonymous said...

And I want world peace. Who cares what Bruce says, it's all empty promises. Maybe if the unions weren't so greedy with their benefits we might not have as big a deficit and our local taxes might not be so high. After all, we need to make sure our selfless, hard-working city employees get solid gold health care and retirement plans.

Anonymous said...

You made a very important statement ... all empty promises! Don't think that everything that's being said will get done. It takes agreement on all levels. An individual can promise all they want, but they have to get everyone else to go along with it. That's really the bottom line here. So that's where you look at each person and say, okay, can that person convince the others to vote their way? Do they know what they are talking about and do they have the knowledge to persuade those who do not agree to jump on their band wagon. That's what it's all about. Don't be blindsided by promises that may not be followed through on.

Anonymous said...

Why are unions in this discussion? Isn't assistance for indigent and elderly what Bruce called for. Classic Rush Limbaugh style, change the question, don't address it. I am sure when these guys find a life or a real job they will stop bashing and start helping.

Anonymous said...

The idea was fuel assistance for needy seniors who are on fixed incomes. Better to force them out and get a conveyance tax? Oh yeah then let's bash the union guys with "gold plated benefits" I think maybe we should take a look at what the CEOs of American industry get GM, Ford, Chrysler,GE, Bank of America, the Hartford. What do they get in pay and benefits for the outstanding jobs they do. WalMart, Target and the rest of the bigbox thieves won't even release what they pay in CT Corporate income tax because people would revolt if they found out. Millions fro the rich freeze Bristol seniors, great city, great neighbors. TG you are a minority