October 5, 2009

Documentary film about Bristol Press nearing completion

Last winter, when it appeared The Bristol Press would close, some documentary filmmakers began producing piece for CT Public Television about the demise of the paper. Focusing on the Press, it aimed to tell the larger story of the industry's troubles, and what they mean for cities like Bristol.
Other than making the hideous mistake of putting me on camera -- which good editing could still solve - they seem to have done quite well. You can see some clips here.
The producers are interested in finding potential funders so if you've got some cash sitting around that you can afford to give away -- and you don't feel like giving it to me - then this could be a nice thing to support.
Drop me a line if you're interested in helping them and I'll get you in touch.

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com

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