August 10, 2007

Mean-spirited, venomous comments

First off, let me apologize to all of you that a couple of particularly nasty comments got by me in the last few days because of my ignorance and haste. I'll try to be more vigilant, without clamping down so hard that the comments get dull.
But I do have to say that I'm continuously astonished how many truly vicious things are said behind the shield of anonymity. I find myself axing every other comment because so many are so hateful and lacking in substance.
If you're merely going to level insults, don't bother posting. It wastes my time and yours.
Also, for the rest of you, if you spot something that strikes you as offensive or wrong, please let me know right away. I'll look again at such things as quickly as I possibly can -- and remove anything that's too close to the line.
You don't have to keep your opinions to yourself, but even if you want to sink your fangs into someone, you can't inject venom, too.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at


Anonymous said...

Steve, thanks for being vigilant although this is fast becoming an organized Ellen bashing site.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for removing that horrible posting.

In all my years in politics, I've never seen such negativity.

Are we to worry that the bricks are going to start flying in our city .... again?

Anonymous said...

I really recommend just having a policy of not allowing anonymous commenting. Every remotely polictical blog I've seen that allowed it just turns into sock puppetted brawling.

Steve Collins said...

The problem with requiring real names is that in no time there would be fake Art Wards and fraudulent Ellen Zoppos and make-believe Frank Nicastros posting here. I have no way to verify identities with this so it strikes me that allowing anonymous posts is my only option, for better or worse. I can always shut off the comments, of course, but I find most of them interesting.

Steve Collins said...

I've had several people point out that most of the viciousness expressed in comments here is directed at Ellen Zoppo. After reading through a couple of hundred, I agree. Though I delete an astonishing variety of crude comments about her, I think I need to be even more ruthless abou paring down assaults on Zoppo that are attacking her personally rather than assailing anything she's done or plans to do.
It's not that someone cannot express distaste for Zoppo's style, but let's endeavor to do with some taste and class. Please, everyone, if you see a comment that's too harsh and lacking substance, point it out to me. I don't really have a desire to play cop here, but like it or not, I must.

Anonymous said...

Like I said, what goes around comes around. Maybe the harsh-ness about Zoppo and some of her obnoxious supporters (Sue Gorski comes to mind) is reactionary? Although I'll admit some of the negative comments ate unjustified.

Anonymous said...

I am totally against mudslinging and dislike anonymous postings. Why even consider or read it? Consider the source. Same as you mention about fake names. can verify but it took Ron years to perfect his site.

What I truly want to know is WHO, of our councilors did as instructed, obeyed the dictator, what she promised or threatened each to comply. Everyone except Ward??? Republican and Democrat alike?? Isn't it scary when ONE woman can wave her wand and have these men become glassy eyed and do as they're told? The faith I (and I'm sure many others) had in several of these men has been crushed and, personally, I won't be able to carry on a conversation with them without a cold heart.

It sounds like all but Ward to me. Is this correct? Wonder...IF he had been given a script, would he have followed the leader? With the animosity between them, perhaps not.

BUT - are there ANY trustworthy politicians out there? Are others as horrified as I am?

Anonymous said...

"Isn't it scary when ONE woman can wave her wand and have these men become glassy eyed and do as they're told?"

So which is it? Men wont let women break through the glass ceiling, or women control and rule the universe through wands and dark magic.
Pretty naive to see this any other way except for a well coordinated smear campaign to win an election. Looks like some of us have learned the "Rovian" tricks all too well. Whos hiding the truth from the public now?

Anonymous said...

Karen, it sounds like you are jealous of Ellen.

Anonymous said...

Karen I couldn't have said it better.

Who in their right mind would be jealous of Ms. ZOPPO. Be real!

Anonymous said...


I would recommend that you not allow people respond directly to any individual, but respond to the issue or point of view. Whe people start addressing individuals in the first person, that is when things get heated up.

Steve Collins said...

That last point is a good one. Let's seek to address issues, not individual posters. If you want to address something that I said, or something a public official said, fine. But let's not get all vitriolic about what some anonymous person had to say. What's the point of it?

Anonymous said...

When a poster calls another person a "traitor" I think that person deserves to be called out and their motives questioned.