Shifting the excess retirement money into the health care account would create “a huge savings for the taxpayers,” said city Councilor Ken Cockayne.
He said he asked the city’s Ethics Board about whether three council colleagues who might collect from the account whether the trio should be allowed to participate in the decision about whether to make the change in large part to push the whole issue onto the front burner again.
The city needs to sock away about $77 million to pay health benefits for its workers when they retire, said city Comptroller Glenn Klocko. It has only $1.1 million in the account so far and plans to add $200,000 more this year, a figure that’s slated to rise 25 percent annually for the next three decades, he said.
Cockayne said that in the long run, the new fund would cost taxpayers about $2 million annually, and for no good reason.
The consultant from Merrill Lynch who has overseen the stunningly successful investments that have led city pension funds to be so flush is among those who have advocated taking money from the more than $500 million in pension accounts and paying what’s needed into the new health benefits account, an idea that Klocko has also supported.
But Mayor Art Ward said he’s not sure it would be the right move.
“Are we in essence robbing Peter to pay Paul?” the mayor asked.
He said the city needs to “proceed cautiously” because the funds have the potential to make such a difference to taxpayers, city workers and retirees, particularly if the pension funds were to take a big financial hit someday.
“We need to make sure we make a qualified decision and it’s not an emotional one,” Ward said.
Cockayne said that all of the experts who look after the city’s money – actuarial professionals, consultants, labor lawyers and others – have told him that shifting the excess pension money into the new account is the best move.
“The opposition is coming from the unions. The unions are bucking it, saying this needs to be negotiated,” said Cockayne, who points to federal and state rulings that say the city can make the change without union consent.
City union officials have said they’re not necessarily opposed to the idea pushed by Cockayne, but they believe that it can’t be done without the union’s consent. They concede that getting a green light from the unions almost certainly means the city would have to offer something in return.
Among the possibilities, they said, are guaranteed cost-of-living increases in pensions or an extension of the 10-year period in which retirees get municipal health care. But nobody’s locked into anything in particular.
Cockayne said he doesn’t think the unions should get anything. He said it’s up to the city alone to decide whether to pump retirement cash into the new health benefits fund required to meet the GASB 45 accounting standard.
“I have every intention of forcing this issue,” Cockayne said. “This is an issue we need to address.”
Cockayne said that families in Bristol are living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to cope with rising utility costs and tax bills that keep rising. This is one way, he said, to ease their burden a bit without hurting anyone.
The unions “are trying to hold the city hostage,” Cockayne said, with their demands to get something in return for their agreement.
“It’s time for them to give back a little and do what’s right for the taxpayers of this town, the taxpayers who are paying their salaries,” Cockayne said.
Ethics ruling sought
A freshman city councilor said he fears “there may be conflicts of interest” for three of his more senior City Council colleagues to vote on issues related to the transfer of money from municipal pension accounts into a new health benefits fund.
Republican Ken Cockayne said the trio – Mayor Art Ward and Democrats Kevin McCauley and Frank Nicastro – are “directly affected by the outcome” of the issue because they or family members are set to collect some of the money.
McCauley is a city firefighter. Ward’s wife works for the Board of Education. And Nicastro, a retired mayor and truant officer, collects a city pension.
While McCauley denied that he has a conflict, Ward sidestepped the question.
“I’ll await the decision of the ethics board and I’ll abide by that decision,” the mayor said.
Nicastro, who collects a city pension, has avoided for years voting on issues that might raise questions about a conflict.
The other three councilors, including Republican Mike Rimcoski, said they don’t see a problem.
“I don’t know where Kenny’s going with this, but it has nothing to do with benefitting any of us,” said freshman city Councilor Cliff Block.
Block said the new trust fund is a mandate the city has to obey. But it doesn’t change any benefits that anyone, including councilors, will receive.
Block said that Cockayne received “a little bit of bad information on this one.”
City Councilor Craig Minor said the city “has a contractual obligation to provide certain post-employment health benefits to its employees. How it manages the cost of meeting that obligation is mere bookkeeping. I don’t think Ken understands this.”
“I’m sure all the council members know when to excuse themselves,” said veteran Republican Councilman Mike Rimcoski. “I really don’t see a problem.”
McCauley said his 2nd District colleague “has not done his due diligence on this issue and is confusing the facts.”
He said that because the fire and police retirement funds are separate and “not under consideration,” he doesn’t have a conflict.“ This is a taxpayer issue, however not the way he is presenting it,” McCauley said.
“The policy under consideration is to evaluate setting up a mechanism to allow for the funding of future liability of retirement health benefits in a way that can benefit the taxpayers,” said McCauley, a second-term Democrat. “Whether the city decides to negotiate down the road concerning the fire and police retirement funds is a whole other subject.”
Cockayne said that McCauley’s statement “is absolutely incorrect” because money would also come out of the police and fire retirement accounts, an assertion that city financial officials confirmed.
Cockayne said he figures he’s going to wind up getting yelled at again.
“I’m wondering if I’m going to get called into the principal’s office. I’ve already been called in twice” to talk with Ward, Cockayne said.
“He’s yelled at me like a 5-year-old kid because I do things in public,” Cockayne said.
Cockayne's letter to the Ethics Board
Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at
Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at
Why doesn't Klocko do an analysis of revenue inputs to the funds over the past 20 years.
How much from employees, how much from the city (taxpayers) and how much from investments.
Should be easy, should be interesting, and it might help resolve the issue.
Well Ken, stop acting like a 5 year old that wants to be the center of attention and you won't get yelled at like one.
Ward is theone who should stop acting like that behind closed doors. Cockayne is not the only person he has done this to. He has a reputation for trying to belittle and intimidate people behind closed doors when they are not being a "team player".
I wonder which team he is on? We know Cockayne is the taxpayers' team.
Riding that train....
I am just a regular Democrat and taxpayer and I don't agree with Ken on many things, but he is absolutely right on this issue.
The pressure and criticism Ken is getting is from the city union people and those people closely connected to them, like the Mayor himself.
maybe you should have been yelled at when you were 5 years old - grow up.
poor kenny, he got hollered at and now wants to pout at the trough of public sympathy - poor, poor poopsie - hope that he is never given a time-out 'cause he'll become absolutely devastated.
It's called "politics" stupid.
Ken is being critized because he does not do his homework, he does not ask questions, he does not understand the rules.He would like everybody to think the you can do anything you want with the pensions money and not be held accountable. There are many safeguards that must be put in place to both protect the tax payers and the employees.
Is Cockayne on a one headline a week goal?
Can Cockayne work with anyone???
cockayne sure doesn't seem to want to work with anyone - seems to be a one-man show - watch me.
The union people are here in full force tonight.
All we see on this site is supporters of Ward deflecting or avoiding the issues.
First there is an issue with his campaign finances that were found to be illegally documented, and it is Art Mocobee's fault.
Now someone makes mention of Art screaming at him behind closed doors, and it his fault for taking offense.
"It's called "politics" stupid."
What type of logic is that?
Don't let them get you off topic Ken. You are doing the right thing. Once people realize how big this is with keeping our mill rate down they will rally around you!
It may be cheaper to pay for it out of the budget, than to increase the benfits which go on forever, and fo which we really never know the actual and total cost.
Sometimes things aren't they seem.
Kenny isn't conveying the whole picture.
Cockayne doesn't think that money out there that doesn't belong to him can be spent for someone else, Typical of some jealous people. I wonder if HIS retirement fund is fat ? What would he say if someone would want to take his pension money? When you take other peoples money it's called stealimg. Just because he is a city counciler doesn't meanhe is above the law.
To the BRAIN that likes to call everyone names and "Stupid" suggest he 's not too bright either. Could even be considered "stupid " as well.
I think we should have a taxpayer's union. Maybe someone will look out for US....
Unions have their place, no question about that. BUT STOP TAKING MORE AND MORE FROM US (taxpayers). Costs are going up and union members should pay a lot more for there benefit out of their pockets.
As for Cockayne looking for headlines. Looks like he is working to me. Can you say that about Ward or any other of the leaders of this town??
I meant kenny Cockayne "thinks" not doesn't think.............. My bad !
First of all the union members pension won't be affected the way people are trying to imply. They will receive the exact same benefits. This fund is so over funded that the city could transfer 3 times the amount being sought and things would still be okay.
Second of all the unions are not the only ones that contributed to it. Initially when this fund started in 78 the seed money was well over 20 million from the city. The cty also continued contributing to this fund for over 20 years and only recently stopped. Workers continue to contribute.
Third of all, the City would be acting in good faith and honoring the contract if it did this. There is nothing in the contracts that say the city needs to negotiate this. This is not stealing or "robbing Peter to pay Paul". This is smart money management. No one gets hurt and the taxpayers are saved millions.
The unions feel that this has to be negoatiated and you know who is giving them support to take this stand, Ward, Nicastro, McCauley, and probably Rimcoksi (who was endorsed by the unions also in the last election). They feel that "Hey if this is goiing to happen, let's use this to get something else for us, like extended health care coverage, or increased pension benefits". If you don't think the unions have been licking their chops trying to find away to get something more out of this pension fund considering how healthy and overfunded it is, you are all crazy.
Basically, if Art doesn't put this on the agenda, then it never gets voted on. If it ever does get there the council can make the move, but will they, when more then half of them are union guys anyway. This is where the ethics question comes into play. This is also where Cockayne and the headline hunting comes into play. He needs to plead our (the taxpayers) case in public and force this issue.
Great Job Ken!
Stealing from the Unions ?!?!?!?!
My goodness , Now THAT is a complete reversal of everything the union stands for .
No wonder they are so pe'ed off .
Only UNIONS are allowed to steal .
I read a lott of comments on this blog, and it seems like very few have the facts.
Why doesn't this administration put ALL the FACTS before the people and bring a stop to this BS?
Because all the facts in the world would not stop the BS from getting posted here. People don't form their opinions based on the facts.
I do not really know how this issue turned into a "Mike Petosa is the bad guy" issue,but let me say a few words on his behalf. Mike is a highly respected, noble and honest as the day is long individual. True, he has been involved in labor issues most of his adult life, but it is someone's job to look out for the best interets of hard working, dedicated city employees, and he feels it is his obligation. Mike speaks the truth when it comes to labor related issues. He has years of experience in interpreting labor law which should not be discounted. Mike is an asset to any board or comittee he serves on. As far as what Ken Cockaine has to say about the pension funds with he city, I don't feel he has enough time in the council seat to be proposing anything to do with financial obligations of the city. He is clearly carrying the torch for someone else with ant-union issues. Ken...use the learning curve before you embarass yourself and the entire city of Bristol.
There is more than one union that puts into the fund and I don't think Ken has talked to all the union officials if any. He is probably going by rumor and hearsay. Maybe he should step back and find out who is on the executive boards and get the real story on what the unions think. Probably one person made a comment along the line and know that comment is acting like the official union word on the issue.
MIKEs a good guy but he will have no say in what the local unions do in this case nor will he be able to impact the city.
Mike P and Art W are very close: I am sure that he will have significant influence and impact.
The Federal Goventment is making us establish this fund. It's over the head of the common union guy in Bristol because collectively they are stupid.
Hopwfully, Art has the moxie to lay some of them off and help keep our taxes down, but since he owes his election to this collective group of morons, they will continue to expand and cost this city millions of dollars.
Ken great job the truth hurts mike kevin and the big dipper. Show them you meen buisness. Please dont let up. Tell all maybe its time to show their colors.
Great job Ken dont let up. till they yell uncle. Your on the mark and stay with it.
Ken thanks for keeping your word when you ran for office. These people need to come clean. Mike Petossa wanted nothing to do with you because he c ould see this coming.
GASB has set the standard that the benefits be funded: they did not determine how a municipality has to do it. Bristol is just fortunate in that it has this option.
No matter what is done, the recipients, or potential recipients, will receive the benefits. They are ALREADY contracted for. Maybe Ken can explain how he sees a conflict.
Any change to the contract(s) has to be negotiated and voted on by the Council. At that time the involved individuals would be required to abstain for their particular contract.
I do not belive that the Ethics Board will take this up. At this time the issue is only hypothetical and there are no specifics.
Kenny is premature and just headline hunting, knowing that the naysayers will have a field day with this until the facts come out.
Thank goodness all republicans aren't like these two jokers.
After speaking with a few people in the know, this is the story that I received. The city has paid health benefits, but not out of the pension funds. It was negotiated, through the union and the city, that the fire employees would receive health benefits for ten years after retirement. The police have a similar arrangement. Health benefits and pension are separate and apart from each other. I repeat, they are SEPARATE AND APART!!
The city used to pay into the pension with the union members. Because that pension fund has done so well, the city has not had to pay into that pension fund since 1997. But the fire and the police still pay into the pension fund which does NOT include health benefits. It doesn't include health benefits, but the health benefits were negotiated in good faith that way between the union and the city.
To say that the monies that have been paid into the pension fund, after the fact, should be used for health benefits without even considering the fire and police positions is not going through the proper channels. That would have to be addressed separately during union and city negotiations.
Ken is proposing to sidestep the process just to make him look like a hero when all he is doing is campaigning for an election that is two years down the road. Don't forget, Kennyboy, that there are A LOT of union members in the city of Bristol. This IS a blue collar town!!! Perhaps we should tap into your retirement fund, because that's what you're proposing to do to the city employees. You have no right. You weren't there during negotiations and you're passing yourself off as a fraud! Why, Ken, do you feel you need to talk to the Press regarding this and other issues? Nothing is being done secretively. Those who have recused themselves in the past due to conflicts of interest will, I'm sure, continue to do so. Instead of working with your fellow councilmen to allay your concerns, you disregard them and air your incorrect statements to the Press.
Steve, I'm disappointed that you are giving this impostor an opportunity, at every turn, to state whatever he wants. A full page photograph on the front of the Bristol Press? Give me a break! You say you don't have a reporting bias, but your reporting certainly reflects a bias. I'm still trying to figure out why you hold the soap box for Ken every time he wants to speak. You're fueling the fire with this clown. The senior members of this council have much more experience and understand what's happening much more than Ken does, but it's all about the headlines. It's disgraceful!
Please don't use the words "hard working and city employee" in the same sentence. It is an insult to all of us who have real jobs that we have to work our butts off at so we can pay the taxes that support these city employees. Workers again that also have a much sweeter deal then the rest of us.
I have nothing to do with choosing where in the paper stories run or, for the most part, what photographs are used.
But as for the more general charge that I'm letting Cockayne "state whatever he wants," I guess that's true. I do the same for every city councilor and the mayor. It's not my job to silence elected leaders. It is my job to provide context for what they say, which I tried to do. Is there more to be said on this? Obviously. And more, no doubt, will come out in the days, weeks and months ahead.
I'll be happy to provide a soapbox for all sides. I have no dog in this fight, to use an old expression that sounds more than a little dated!
Actually, Steve, I always find it interesting that you give Cockayne the last word. The previous poster was right. Don't the other council members deserve a rebuttal? I'm sure they would counter what Cockayne said. By not providing that rebuttal, I feel you are being biased in favor of Cockayne especially since he is a first-term councilman and doesn't have the experinece nor the knowledge that he believes he has.
I also don't believe you extend a soapbox to everyone. Clearly the same people are quoted and are asked to be quoted by you time and time again while others are left out of the loop. Why that is, I don't know, but let's be fair across the board. Just my observation, but I'm not a journalist so I won't tell you how to do your job. Again, just an observation.
HEY 932 what is that you do that makes you a hard worker and not a city employee ?
I gave the mayor and every city council member the opportunity to address this issue. Most of them did. I also talked to a few other city and union officials, including Glenn Klocko, and used what I learned from them as well.
Getting "the last word" is kind of overrated since most readers don't get that far in a story. I actually threw that little bit in about Cockayne saying he was yelled at as a reward for readers who bothered to get to the end.
I guess you have the poor union puppets a little nervous.Ken stay on them so people can see the truth. They are all gathering to figure out what to do next. they really never taught this would come out. GOOD JOB PUT THEM OUT OF BUISNESS.
Ken how about running for mayor and save bristol.
Talk about hard workers not in bristol. They get in the union make a couple of donations and set for life. time has run out. The party could be over.
Question has been raised: "Can the city do this without Union approval"?
Solution: GET AN ANSWER from whoever can provide a answer that is implementable.
Why mess around before that is done????
**** look out for the best interets of hard working, dedicated city employees ****
Obviously this poster either has never actually met a Bristol Union employee , OR , IS one .
I wish the the leaders of this city had as much concern about the COLA increase which was not negotiated and significantly impacts this same Fund. How many ways can we spend this acount or shall I say accounts. Doesn't one think the Fire and Police are going to want the same 3% cola increase? Why no public dialogue on this important issue
You make a good point about the COLA.
The other issue isn't on the table yet: it is mainly being displayed by Cockayne, maybe in anticipation, maybe in grandstanding.
there was its called a public hearing
9:16 Layoff employees.Billy boy had his hand in laying off employees back in his first term with Jim B the personnel director. How much did it cost the city to get rid of him? Layoffs didn't work back then.He laid off alot of lower paid positions and did not touch the higher ones (like management).It took a long time for services to recover. You want to free up some money cut the fat from the board of education. That is where most of the money goes. Look at the top 50. By the way if you feel the need to call someone stupid you should check you spelling first.
Stortz did not let Byers go, Nicastro did.
Remember, his name was brought up and failed to get the votes, whicj Frank knew would happen..
Get your facts straight.
Also, layoffs occur when the BOF does not approve enough money for salaries: the mayor has an impact when he refuses to hire even when funds are available.
Keep in mind thgat the Council does vote on the budget.
We need your help ken keep the pressure on. Mike P IS ON THE FENCE AND WILL SOON FALL OFF.He thinks the tax payers are fools.
Who is runing some of these depts cant be management there is none worth talking about must be the union. Put a stop to it Ken we could save a lot of money getting rid of the lossers.
7:04 You should pay more attention. I didn't say stortz let him go. I said he was involved in the layoffs in 1990.The question was how much tax payer money was wasted to get rid of him. Just a reminder of wasted funds that could have been put to a better use.
Yes the bof does or does not approve funds. How would they know the impact of a job elimination within a dept without some guidance from someone?
The BOF has access to the breakdown of salary costs of each department, so they can easily deetermine the $ impact of cuts and reductions.
They cannot specify individuals among groups: that is controlled by seniority etc.
But they can cut out positions: remember Lionel??
However, it still has to be approved by the Joint Board.
Cockayne wants to build another Firehouse.
THat wil increase the budget by close to one million dollars/yr, plus initial cost.
Would the new house not benefit Ken and/or his family?
Stortz and Nicastro did not let Byers was Couture as Mayor and Ward as a City Councilman.
BTW did you all read Minor's Comments on this issue. Is he totally out to lunch?
He is a total disgrace to the City Council...Ken Cockayne has a handle on this and Minor needs to read up.
Cockayne has gotten the COLA issue confused with the Pension Trust thing from day one. His handlers may know better, but he doesn't.
As a city employee and taxpayer I have paid into the pension for the past 25 years. I have paid taxes in the city for 35 years as a home owner. The city has not had to contribute to police and fire union pensions in years due to the amount of money currently there. I don't feel that a short time political coucilman with his own agenda should be able to just walk in and think that he can start using the money that hard working union members have contributed throughout the years for their retirement. The city is in good shape, money wise, as shown by the cities bond rating. Don't tamper with something that may cost the city taxpayers much more down the road trying to pay back. Leave union pensions alone.
No matter how wrong he is, Kenny ain't leting this die.
He loves his name in the paper, he loves his picture on the front page.
But he is a loose cannon.
It appears to me that Ken Cockayne is looking out for Bristol taxpayers as opposed to looking out for Bristol city employees as so many of our previous elected officials have done.
It takes guts and Ken Cockayne has certainly shown that he has them.
Thank you Ken Cockayne.
It would be a shame that one egocentric freshman council member would try to undo what has taken so long, and the cooperation and effort of so many to accomplish, a well funded pension program.
I am sure that each mayor would have liked to have spent some of that money, but didn't.
I hope Ward doesn't touch it, and DOES NOT agree to additional benefits.
Every hardworking union member out there needs to take a deep breath and just relax. This is another one of those front page "stir the ashes" issues that will eventually die a slow death once enough time goes by. Cockayne is already wearing down senior members of both parties with his showmanship to include Rimcoski, who I am told has tried, but is unable to talk sense into this young, confrontational, misguided councilman. I was assured the dust will settle over time and the city will move on to the next issue after this meaningless one is eventually tabled at a future council meeting. No one except Cockayne is making a big deal out of this and only because he refuses to acknowledge all the information available on this topic. Cockayne is the new, fresh Rep face and is generating a little press. So what. Just ignore him. He has no stoke with anyone, including people in his own party. Rest assure though, all city and state employees, he does hate us.
I love these people who don't like goverment employees only because THEY never had a plan for THEIR future. Contrary to popular belief, most municiple employees do not make alot of money. Next time you are at city hall asks the clerks and office people what they make. I think you would be surprised. Not everyone has the luxury of overtime like some departments, but whose responsibility is it to close the overtime gap? Is it the guy working the hours or is it the department heads and the upper level city management? Lets be fair about this. Stop blaming the guy in the hole with the shovel.
3/10 9:10Poster
You are typical of the union hacks in this town. You ONLY HOPE nobody is listening..but YOU ARE WRONG...many TAXPAYERS have had it with you jokers and are not going to take it anymore. YOU ARE GOING DOWN...lead on Ken...we hear you and we are listening.
"Every hardworking union member out there "
-If this statement was made under oath you could be charged with perjury.
"I love these people who don't like goverment employees only because THEY never had a plan for THEIR future"
-This one shows either their ignorance, arrogance or both. Hey stupid, our tax money was the basis for your pension. Will you give me a few hundred thousand of your money so I can "plan" my retirement?
Go to h___.
This issue really is a mute point, b/c the city CAN, by law, transfer this money without union consent.
Will they? Probably not, and the taxpayers will have to foot the bill.
The union would rather leave what they call "their" money alone without benefitting from it and its "bloated overfundedness" then let the city as a whole benefit from it.
They call this "their hard earned money" despite the fact that the fund was initiated with 25 million dollars of taxpayers' money in 1978. Do people realize how much 25 million dollars in 1978 is worth today?
They will also say that by contract that fund was set up for pension benefits, but will conveniently leave out the fact that the state has already ruled that this transfer can legally take place without their consent.
The unions won't tell you that the manager of this fund, who they have championed for so long as a financial genius also supports this transfer.
These are the same people who vote Democrat party lines regardless of the issues every election. They love "their" privately managed pension fund, but would never consider supporting a Republican's plan for privatizing Social Security.
This is a joke and we all have to see through their spin. They are going to make as much noise as possible to block this and scare everyone, in hopes that when they do give in (aka giving ARtie the greenlight to put this on the agenda), b/c it will likely be inevitable, that they get something in return.
This is their opportunity to get at this fund. They are counting on all of the campaign contributions, both in man hours and monetary support to pay off now. They do not want this to whither on the vine. They want this item to come up for a vote as long as they can control it. They want either higher pensions, or increased healthcare coverage, or something.
I'm sure their will be some negotiations some time, b/c Artie is too indebted to them for this election, as are a few other councilmen.
Too bad for the old guard, the new guy took it to them and beat them to the punch. This issue is being brought to light so that everyone can see it for what it is and the council will now have to act in good faith for the taxpayers, not just their campaign supporters.
Go Cockayne!
I have a quick question?
If the Union Pension funds are over funded by millions of dollars, not because of what the union members put into it but by the interest that was acured, and a portion of that was taken out to fund the new mandate under GATSBY 45 and it is to help fund the medical benefits of future union retirees; How the Heck is this hurting the union?
Isn't it going to ensure that the city has the money put aside to cover the medical benefits of furture retirees? After all, aren't we a self funded municipality with regards to medical benefits?
Unfortunately this is why we need a city manager because this is way over the head of our current Mayor. It's not a new issue its been talked about over the past year and a half. Wasn't Mayor Ward on the council for the past 14 years? Now he has to make an informed decision. Was he paying attention when this was discussed?
As for Minor; just hire a bookeeper and we'll be all set. I think McCauley is being less than truthful about this issue because we are going to have to do the same thing for the police and fire unions, aren't we?
Cliff Block well he'll wait to see where the wind blows and Nicastro is trying to figure out which pension this hurts the most.
AS for Rimcoski, well he'll be sleeping through most of the debate and than side with the Mayor, unless we have to raise taxes than he'll say NO. But he'll also say no to taking it from the overfunded pension funds and than he'll shake and say "what the hell is going on...Where am I?"
So as you can all see...Thank God for Ken Cockayne!
Artie will do what ever Mike and Mayra tell hime to do that will be for their best interest. Watch out for those two.
I must have been somewhere else. When has the "union" in general had so much influence? whos union? all unions? my union? Wow its a good thing there are no union taxpayers in bristol, no wait, there are no union homeowners in bristol huh wrong again.
How about this call 911 and ask that they send only non-union city employees since they are the only ones that do the real work, right?
At your next parent teacher conference only speak to non-union teachers because all the union members are in vegas spending your property tax money.
And all those sloths who are only pretending to keep the schools clean and safe well wal mart is always hiring.
let the rebuttal begin.
submitted by a proud member of AFSCME Council 4 Local 2267
11:54am - cockayne, self idolation should only exist in your feeble semblance of a pea which is mistaken for a brain.
The only place that the unions have such awesome power is in the fevered brains of people who post on this blog. They don't have anywhere near the clout they used to have and rest assured the Mayor and city council (even council members who belong to unions themselves) are well aware of this. So take a chill pill (you too Ken!).
Pension is guaranteed.
Benefits are guaranteed.
The only question is how will they be paid for, and that is a Mayor/Council decision!
Good for Cockayne to push this issue or else it will never have been brought forth and the taxpayers would be footing the bill.
I hope the concil does the right thing.
Has anyone given thought to the fact that this will make it easier for the unions to get even more benefits, thanks to Ken?
The argument will be that "since it is coming out of the pension fund, it in't costing the taxpayers anything (now)".
The benefits are substantial now, and this move would make them even more difficult to control and monitor.
I was at the council meeting last night. I find it funny that people have big mouths behind a computer! However, only one person spoke last night against this issue.
Keep up the good work Cockayne, its a select few that are against this. Most people are tired of the tax increases and are behind you 100%
Don't back down!!
AS a union member, I want to thank Ken Cockayne for opening the dood to improved and increased benfits.
Thanks Ken.
9:59 poster.
You must be a union member because you can't spell!!
Maybe Cockayne isn't so sharp after all!
More spin.
This is easy. The only thing that Ken screwed up on is opening the door for Art to step through as the hero. He will no doubt offer negoatiations and pay back the unions he illegally accepted campaign contributions from.
Yes, Ken opened the door, and now he can't turn back.
The unions are happy, and yet the public thinks that Ken is doing them a favor.
No wonder we are in deep doo doo.
Hey to all you know-it-alls why don't you run and straighten out the mess. You guys are pathetic. Your bioses are showing again.
I know how to spell Mock er er.
It is spelled WALDO, as in where is he?
Hey Steve, this topic already has a, I believe, record setting 86 comments posted. I don't know if this is indicative of people liking or disliking Ken Cockayne, but let's see if we can hit 100.
Ken put your hat in the ring for mayor. Please break this union and all the favortism. We cant take any more tax increases.
Cockayne as Mayor, have your head examined. Do you want this city to be in the same category as Waterbury and New Britain with bankrupt pension funds. The reason for that is because city leaders though the same as Cockanye, lets use pension funds. Didn't they realize that they have to fund the pension by law. If the city uses the money and looses it they are responsible for repaying it and funding the pension.
Lets not get into the same boat as those cities, don't follow the short time politicians like Cockanye, listen to the people who invested the money and they say, leave it alone.
Time flies when you are having fun: a whole week without a picture of Cockayne on the front page.
I wonder if Cockayne understands the issue yet?
Maybe that is why he has been so quiet.
Yah Ken don't take tax dollars for benefits, take them for every other reason.
Lets see how you vote on the budget.
Has the Ethics Board responded yet?
It will be interetsting to see what they think.
Cockayne will vote no on all tax increases, just like Rimcoski.
As for understanding the issue, he is probably one of the only ones who does.
Do your research, it will all come out and everyone (taxpayers) will be thanking him for pushing this so hard. The unions are 100% wrong on this. This is the best move and it is perfectly legal and makes the most sense.
It is not the Union's money and it does nothing to damage their benefits at all. They are guaranteed!
It is easy to vote no.
But what alternatives does he offer?
By locking these benefits into the pension fund it will be difficult to ever cut them, or deny them to new employees.
Cut services? Which ones?
Rimcoski is no better.
There are solutions to all problems, but many are easy, simple and wrong.
If you own a house your taxes are going up. Period.
Cockayne won't stop it, but he will borrow a page from Nicastro and toot his horn that he was against it.
He wants to spend money, but can't/won't explain where it is coming from.
In time, people will see through him.
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