“Needless to say, it would be great for the community,” said Mayor Art Ward, who’s one of the five people taking the trip.
If the delegation can pull it off, the Legion’s World Series would likely be “the largest sporting event ever to take place in the city,” said Paul LaFleur, general manager the American Legion Post 2 baseball team.
Ward said there are nine municipalities competing for the right to host the 2010 World Series, which might be the last one that Bristol could hope to snag. After that year, he said, the American Legion plans to hold the baseball tournament at the same time – and same city – as its national convention.
“It’s a once in a lifetime thing,” city Park Director Ed Swicklas, who is also heading to Indianapolis.
The American Legion is paying the tab for the five men – Ward, Swicklas, LaFleur and American Legion representatives Fran Mullins and Jay Meisinger – to address the selection committee on May 4.
Ward said that Bristol has several compelling arguments for the panel to agree to have the American Legion World Series at Muzzy Field, including the historical ballpark, the long tradition of American Legion baseball in town and the presence of sports giant ESPN in Bristol.
LaFleur said that Bristol has a proven track record of organizational support, “one of the best ballparks” anywhere and demonstrated community backing. It also has ESPN behind it.
The sports giant has given the effort its solid support, LaFleur said. “It’s not a hope. It’s not a promise. It’s documented.”
Ward, a Vietnam veteran who has long been active in the Legion, said he and Swicklas are going because the local chapter “believes it’s crucial for their presentation for the selection committee to know the city’s commitment.”
Bristol is already slated to hold this year’s five-day Northeast regional tournament for American Legion Baseball beginning August 14.
Organizers estimate that the regional tournament will bring 10,000 fans to Bristol and sink about $250,000 in extra revenue into Bristol’s retail economy.
But LaFleur said the World Series is “tenfold” bigger than the regional tournament.
He said he’s been to 14 of the Legion’s World Series over the years and has seen firsthand how popular and professionally run they are.
“This is the likes of which Bristol has never seen,” LaFleur said.
Ward said that in addition to the extra spending, holding the national World Series would be a phenomenal asset” to the community.
He said it help improve the image of Bristol while showcasing Rockwell Park and Muzzy Field – as well as honoring “the members of the baseball committee throughout the years that made the [Bristol] Legion program such that it would be considered.”
In its document for cities interested in hosting the tournament, the American Legion says it is looking for “experienced tournament committees with strong community support, as well as excellent ballparks.”The American Legion World Series brings eight teams together from around the country to compete for the national title.American Legion Baseball has been around since 1925 and claims that millions of young men , ages 15 to 19, have played on its teams over the years.The last time the tournament was held in New England was in 1999, when Middletown hosted the World Series.According to the American Legion Baseball website, Bristol’s American Legion teams have won two regional championships, in 1984 and 1997, and 13 Connecticut championships, most recently in 2006.
Muzzy Field was built in 1912, making it one of the nation’s oldest ballparks. American Legion teams from Bristol have apparently played there for the past 80 years.
Bristol “is an excellent baseball community,” LaFleur said, and its team and organization are legendary in Connecticut Legion history.
Its proponents, including LaFleur and Mullins, are well-known in Legion baseball circles after decades of activity. If the World Series comes to Bristol in 2010, it would mark a highlight for Mullins, who would be putting in his 60th year with American Legion Baseball.
Those personal ties may help, officials said, and they at least got Bristol an inside tip: try to get ESPN on board. Major corporate backing is helpful, the national director told Bristol leaders during a trip to town this winter.
That done, LaFleur said, “We feel absolutely and totally qualified.”
Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com
Has anyone else noticed that as Sports activity has increased in Bristol , so has the crime rate ??
Let me make sure I understand this. The Mayor who went to a campaign finance seminar put on in Bristol by the Election Enforcement Committee and then his campaign was fined $1,500 for unethical activities. Jay Meisinger who jumped up and down and then ran to the Freedom of Information Commission because of Ellen Zoppo and after the election the FIO finds nothing wrong. Ed Swicklas who was one of the Five men who signed a letter because they were afraid of what 110 pound Ellen Zoppo would do to them. These City Officials are going on a trip paid for by the vendor who they will have to negotiate the contract for the use of the park. Am I the only one who thinks this is unethical? Perhaps Steve should get an opinion from Billy Tomasso, he is in federal prison for doing just that.
So, Mr. 3:07, perhaps you can enlighten all of us as to the exact cause-and-effect going on here, as opposed to some imagined relationship that doesn't really exist (except in your head).
As soon as Tim gets home from work he will get the call to reply to stop picking on Art
Where is Ken Cockayne on this one?
And the so called "loyal opposition"?
...Yes 5:23 You ARE the only one who thinks this is unethical. Your spin on the facts is actually quite comical. These gentleman are attempting to bring the Legion World Series to Bristol. If they are successful, Bristol's economy would get some much needed extra revenue.
Try to get your head out of your...and get over it.
I don't know the ins and outs of the new ethics ordinance but it certainly sounds like there is a conflict here for city officials to be taking a paid trip and then having to turn around and negotiate with the group that paid for the trip.
Poster at 5:23pm
You forgot to mention that Fran Mullins was Art Ward's Deputy Treasurer. What an incestuous little circle we have here.
An "incestuous little circle"? Sounds like somebody's been watching way too many soap operas...
No, I question the Ethics also!!!
Is there ANY reason why we can't make progress and still be Ethical?
Sometmes "success at any cost" can be very expensive.
Ask Rowland, Ganin, Cianci etc etc.
I cant wait to see the bar bill from this trip.
This is great. Now the entire country can see what a dump the west end has become.
...as usual, the blog people come crawling out from the darkness of their caves to beat to death anyone who dares to bring about progress or good fortune for our city...
Go Arty! You keep taking on the tough issues! Yeah right!
The council will continue to move Bristol Forward! You just continue to sit back and not make any decisions!
What are Ed Swicklas's qualifications to be the parks director?
All I am aware of is that he was a football coach and apparently a good butt kisser. Is this the best we can do?
I hope Ken Cockayne puts his money where his mouth has been and asks the Ethics Commission to double-team on this one.
While I have to admit to liking her legs quite a bit, I do have to say I don't think Ellen Zoppo has seen 110 lbs since before her kids were born. But I guess she was still sacary to the men at City Hall.
9:35 poster,
What are you talking about? You must be a union hack!
March 18, 2008 8:17 AM;
It is what it is.
It would be interesting to see if Art Ward could be hooked up to a lie detector test and asked if he ever read the Ethics Ordinance or any of the other ordinances or paperwork like the budget etc before he became mayor. I'm thinking we would get a mass of red bleeping lights.
I still would rather see Zoppo or Stortz in there than Ward.
I think they can't accept gifts period, so this looks like a violation.
...Blog people not happy! Mayor BAD, union BAD, police BAD, city council BAD, progress VERY, VERY BAD...BASH-BASH-BASH!
Maybe Ward can put it under "Miscellaneous".
So Steve,
what is your take on this? I am sure you have a working knowledge of the gifts and ethics ordinance.
Don't worry, Ken Cockayne will get right on it.
And then Art will holler at him.
Deja Vu all over again.
Remember everyone's response last time?
Ward, McCauley and Nicastro are very familiar about ethics and they will act accordingly. They recuse themselves everytime an issue that has even the perception of impropriety. I am sure Ward is well aware of how this appears.
LOL - WARNING - the prior statement, though not witty was laced with sarcasm.
You faceless cowards should realize thay everyone knows who they are. Not you phonies though.
At least it wasn't Las Vegas.
Won'twe ever learn?
Politicians/elected officials getting something for nothing generally leads to trouble.
Bristol is on the brink.
8:04 Awwwww do you feel sorry for Cockayne for getting hollared at? Too bad ! He probably never got hollared at before. It'll do him some good!
And 10:06 What are you ? Just so I can stoop to your hateful level and call you a name.
Hey 5:23 Tell him to say hi to Giordano while your at it . It's too late to say Hi to Rowland!
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