March 18, 2008

Ragaini says no to chief operating officer

Former city Councilor Tom Ragaini said New Britain has four aides helping the mayor and there’s nothing to stop the mayor and council from adding at least one.
He said a COO would make almost as much as the mayor, or more, and he’s not sure where the money would come from.
“When you call the mayor’s office, you try to get hold of the mayor,” Ragaini said, but an aide could handle some of those.
He said people elect the mayor and want whoever is picked to be in charge.
“I just don’t see the need for it,” Ragaini said.
He said former Mayor Gerard Couture took “a baby step” toward its creation when he had a $25,000-a-year, part-time assistant. He said officials could go further in creating a new position if it’s needed.
Furey said the new post “would help all of the officials” in a high-pressure time to get work done.
But Ragain said the mayor and council can create a similar post today without changing the charter.
“If you’re elected president of a corporation,” Ragaini said, “you’re going to want your own people, that you know. Maybe they’re from Bristol and maybe they’re not.”
Ragaini said it makes sense to have trusted aides in the mayor’s office, but not a $100,000 professional to do the work.

Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at


Anonymous said...

A city Manager is great! A city needs to be run like a business. To many projects get put to the side burner because people are never in office long enough. Everyone that is concerned about paying for a Mayor position and a COO should think really hard if we really need a Mayor anymore? If we do, does he need to get paid 98k or whatever he makes? Next, if we go to a COO we should expand the council and give them more responsibility and give them 4 year terms.

Anonymous said...

When you look at the people lining up against the COO - Ragaini, Art Ward's union friends, vs. the ones who are for it - the Chamber, Business people like Mr. Della Bianca and Craig Yarde, its obvious what the agenda is. Unions want instant access. They don't deserve it.

Anonymous said...

as far as I know, ward hasn't said anything about it yet so try and make an unbiased opinion, closed minded one.

Anonymous said...

Leone speaks for Ward.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really care what Ragaini says? He's just one of the Good Old Boy's! Time for him to move on just like Coucher did!

Anonymous said...

Who is this cowgirl Ragani one of Wards followers.

Anonymous said...

Ragani is still trying to find him self. He has no clue what is going on.

Anonymous said...

He is afraid that some will figure out what is going on and gravy train will end. It is time we get a educated person to run bristol instead of a union puppet. just look around and see how many of these people are in the unions pockets.

Anonymous said...

We had educated people (Zoppo, Stortz) involved and doing things, and they got shunted aside.

They are educated and had the experience: what good did it do them, as the party hacks (each party) wanted someone they could control.

Wake up people.