June 21, 2007

Really fed up

Ipswich Road resident Louis Michaud isn't one to keep his opinions to himself.
He's a frequent speaker at city meetings, often expressing his frustration at the way City Hall is handling, well, just about everything.
At one recent session, he got behind the podium and declared that if the City Council doesn't change "I'm going to tear my house down" board by board, haul the debris to the dump and donate the land to a church "so you people won't get a dime" in property taxes on the property forevermore.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com


Anonymous said...

This guy Michaud doesn't need any publicity. If Michaud's tax bill is too high, he can always sell his expensive Cedar Lake house and move into a less valuable place with a lower tax bill.

Anonymous said...

BRAVO Mr. Michaud! The taxes in this town are horrendous considering what we get and don't get. I'm a life long Bristol resident but have been divesting of this town and looking to get out ASAP! I know the political cronies and fellow bumblers will have fun with your post and mine but I have tried numerous times to right this ship to no avail. They are bent on running this town down the drain. Somewhere I believe it is written that Bristol is to take over when other towns such as Waterbury, New Haven, Bridgeport, Hartford etc die a socialistic death of taxation and waste.

Anonymous said...

His house is not one of the EXPENSIVE houses up in that area. The problem is his house is an average home, and $350,000 on up houses have been built around him! Which pushes his property tax up based on those homes. It is right - NO! He like myself bought our houses over 35 years ago and our taxes should not be affected because some greedy person, including the Zoppo's who have huge homes up there. Taxes should be based on the house not the houses in the area! Bravo to Mr. Michaud for speaking out!! I wish more citizen would speak out. At lease Mr. Michaud pays his taxes on his home not like some (Zoppo's) who have been/are on the tax delinquent list for this city.

P. Lynch