February 18, 2008

Recycling story slated for tonight on Fox 61

After speaking with a pleasant fellow journalist from Fox 61 TV this afternoon, I can let you know that the Bristol recycling story that put the spotlight on local pols is scheduled to air at about 10:30 tonight on Channel 61's 'News at Ten.'
Though I never watch TV, I'll probably tune in for that. It's fun to see politicians squirm.
Here's last week's Bristol Press story about it.
And here's my blog piece saying that I don't think the station broke any laws.

Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com


Anonymous said...

That explains why you attempt to "make them squirm" at every chance you get especially if the info is sometimes spun to make it seem improper when it isn't improper. Maybe, Steve, you should find some other way to excite your life. I daresay your trash is probably not free of recyclables. Also, I do believe I overheard someone say that there is perhaps an ordinance in place that would make it illegal for anyone to go through someone's trash. That's just hearsay, mind you, but perhaps you could find out about that. Regardless, I don't believe anyone's trash should be gone through unless there's a strong suspicion, by the public works, that someone is not recycling, i.e. not putting out the blue bins with newspapers and bottles. Granted, some things will be tossed inadvertently, and I, for one, didn't realize that junk mail can be recycled. I'll shred mine before I leave it out there for any criminal to come around and do something with it.

Anonymous said...

With all the coverage lately, Artie must have a good PR person.

Who says we need a marketteer for Bristol.

Anonymous said...

How funny was it that Minor was trying to pass off his mistakes as not understanding all the rules. "if we don't understand all the rules than chances are the general public doesn't either"

Just be a man and own up to your mistakes. It's not that big of a deal.

Anonymous said...

I was disturbed at how easy it was for the crew to take their garbage in the dark of night.

Their story did nothing but teach the scum bags how to steal peoples garbage without being noticed.

Anonymous said...

I found it quite interesting to see the segment when it was aired .

NOT !! ONE !!! official showed the least bit of shame or concern for violating the laws THEY !!! created and implemented .


Anonymous said...

Oh come on, Nicastro seemed pretty embarrassed. The others came across as arrogant and just pissed off they were caught. Go figure that Nicastro was the humble one in that group.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking in my crystal ball and I see a new City law on the horizon that makes it illegal to take trash, lmao,

Odin said...

NOT !! ONE !!! official showed the least bit of shame or concern for violating the laws THEY !!! created and implemented.

Oh yeah? What channel were you watching? Because on my TV, everyone one of them looked sheepish and admitted they screwed up, but were willing to be the "bad example" for other people to learn from. They didn't have to agree to be interviewed, you know.

Anonymous said...

..."GOD HELP BRISTOL!!!!"... Our city officials not showing enough shame over their recycling slip-ups...Isn't that one of the seven signs of the end of the world??? Armagedon must be at hand...

10:24: GET A GRIP!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last two posters. They most certainly did look ashamed and admitted to their screw-ups. I guess it's all on how you want to spin it. Why don't we check out your trash, 10:24, and see what's lurking in the depths of your Hefty bag!

Anonymous said...

10:24 - calm down -- take a valium. It wasn't a huge amount of mistakes they made. I'm sure if the news checked any persons garbage you would find something that should have been recycled.

And get your !!!! key fixed.

Anonymous said...

10:24.....dump the trash and recycle your attitude into the automated refuse container so that you too can be on Fox 61 so you can serve as the martyred violator - scoop it up pooper.

Anonymous said...

9:48 needs to practice what he preaches.