February 27, 2009

Cancelled bond issues in Bristol go beyond Rockwell Park

In addition to the $4 million allocation for Rockwell Park's renovation that I suspected was on Gov. Jodi Rell's chopping block, it turns out there are three other projects in Bristol that are losing their funding:
1. $1.5 million for the renovation of the American Clock and Watch Museum,
2. $200,000 in infrastructure improvements at Indian Rock Nature Preserve; and
3. $83,000 for Bristol Community Organization to purchase a building for an expansion of Head Start.
Total loss to Bristol from this? Almost $5.8 million. 

Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com


Concerned Constructive Conservative said...

Nothing here is exactly a big loss. But we have one of the most "state of the art" skate parks that a small percentage of the population (and others from different communities who contributed almost nothing in the form of funding to it) can use. Yet the rest of the park remains dated and in somewhat poor condition.

Anonymous said...

The times they are a-changin...

Odin said...

The BCO purchased the building on Middle Street based on the promise of a grant from the Rell Administration. And now you say she is renegging? The woman has no honor.

Anonymous said...

Good Job Ms. Rell .....

Keep up the good work .....

I would like to see much more along these lines .....

Anonymous said...

This is a tough one. We can probably live without most of this stuff and state bonding has been out of control since the Rowland days and then some. The one that bothers me is the BCO. They are going to take a hit under the Governor's budget plans and to then renege on a promise that led them to buy the building in the first place seems overly harsh.

Anonymous said...

This clearly shows the lobbying power Bristol's representatives have in Hartford. ...Maybe if more Republican's were in office we'd have a better response from the Governor...

I agree that in tough times we need to cut the fat, but a stronger delegation would have helped us here.

Odin said...

I gotta better idea - let's give Jodi the boot, so our democratic delegation will have more clout in Hartford. It's doable with the right candidate.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Odin, let's get a big-spending Democrat for governor so we can all pay more in taxes.

If we don't have Rell, then Hamzy. Some one who will cut the fat.

Anonymous said...

Where is Kosta when we need him?

Nicastro, you are no Kosta!!!

Odin said...

It's a myth that Republican politicians cut spending. They don't. They just cut taxes, so our children end up having to pay for our government. Republican voters are too dumb to understand that.

Anonymous said...

Adding to what Concerned Conservative said - Zippo and her committee of stubborn idiots also insisted on totally wasting a million dollars to "improve the appearance" of the parking lots, and redo the drainage underneath that worked fine; when all that was really needed there was to reopen the pass thru at the roundabout. This money should have been spent to improve the drainage and repave the main road that runs thru the park on the north side. At the rate that things are going, the number one priority should be to hire an armed security guard 24/7 just to protect whats left and the decent folks who use the park before any money is wasted on anything else. Or, the city could always level the entire park and cover the entire area with low income housing projects - that would make sense now wouldnt it.

Anonymous said...

Bristol has an American Clock and Watch Museum :)

Anonymous said...

LOL A HUGE national debt is being touted by who? The Democrats' Messiah. Thank God for Rell, Hamzy and the few others like them.

Anonymous said...

Excellent job Rell. In these difficult time, we all have to cut back. The only project Bristol delegates should be working on is getting Rt 6 fixed from one end of town to the other.

Concerned Constructive Conservative said...

Odin, you're unbelievably immature, obnoxious and misinformed.

Republicans are the party of fiscal conservativism generally and they are much more than most Democrats. Cutting the tax rate impedes liberals and Democrats from spending too much. Republicans in the US Congress under Newt Gingrich cut spending on social welfare programs considerably as did Pres. Reagan. Clinton signed Welfare Reform only after considerable pressure from the electorate and the newly formed Republican majority in 1994.
There are many more examples but all one has to do right here in Connecticut is look to the Republican House Minority to witness a rpime example of fiscal conservatism as opposed to neo-socialist, big spending, liberal Democrats who happen to be in the back pocket of left wing public employee unioins.

Thirdly the Democrat Party is the party of big government as well as tax and spend liberalism. Look at the charleton that's running the White House now! Look at the deficit spending the socialist Premier Obama is going to lay on the next generation! The Republican Party is for fiscal restraint, albeit a strong national defence in times of need, lower tax rates overall with an emphasis on Supply Side tax policy that creates economic growth. Since you obviously don't know what you're talking about, read the National Review or The Weekly Standard to get more infomtion on what conservatives stand for and why they generally support the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I found another rant from "concerned" jeez the socialist label is sure all purpose nowadays. Dont you just hate the poor after all its thier fault. the disabled? are there no workhouses? no prisons? I know they are all faking anyway.
Is this a Fox News outlet
where we can all get togather and +++++ and moan till the sun rises?
I just said President Obama out loud 10 times and I'm pretty sure a republican got a migrain
on a more serious note if the GOP isnt cutting needed srvices then thier existance is moot

Concerned Constructive Conservative said...

Actually John Reek I am gainfully employed unlike many in these tough economic times and my finances are secure, so my stress level and health are relatively sound...so no migraine yet. Maybe that $14 trillion deficit in 2015 will have us all reaching for the Motrin (or something stronger).

But I still am upset that Obama and the liberal Democrat majority in Congress is using this recession that was caused by bleeding-heart-liberal ideology (that every sap should be able to own a McMansion and a Cadillac), compassionate-conservatives, Fannie-Mae & Freddie Mac (and the long list of Democrat Senators whom have benefitted from political donations of, including mainly Obama and Dodd) to further their left wing (socialist) agenda.

If you don't like the word usage ("socialist"), do some research on the subject and you'll soon figure out my reasoning.

And my spelling and grammar aren't always perfect, but you could at least make an effort. Maybe you should use your mind a bit more...generally?

Odin said...

"Republicans are the party of fiscal conservativism generally"

Republicans may be the party of fiscal conservatism, but Republican POLITICIANS party at the EXPENSE of fiscal conservatism. Eight years of Republican greed, sloth, and stupidity have ruined this county. Don't blame Obama for having to resort to deficit spending to fix it - that's the legacy of Bush.

AnonymousWestconnStudent said...
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AnonymousWestconnStudent said...
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AnonymousWestconnStudent said...
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Anonymous said...

"...but one only has to look at the overwhelming support they gave to John Rowland during his years in office to see where their hearts really lie."

And where is that, student?

Anonymous said...

Where is Nicastro on all of this?