Actual text describing the St. Paul Catholic High School Young Republicans Club group on Facebook:
For those of us who actually use our heads...
We all know why were republicans, Republican women look like sarah palin, spendo-crat women look like hillary clinton and nancy pelosi need i say anything more?
We are also republicans because we think that money is for people who have jobs and EARN their money, not government throwaways for people who are just gonna waste their time, drinking and having too many kids they cant afford
Because strong national security is most important. As ronald reagan said "peace through strength" if you want peace, be ready to defend our freedom and way of life, dont be a liberal wimp and expect the enemy to stop fighitng if we do.
Because the law and peoples rights are too important to let commie libs take our rights away.
Because we should control our own lives, money, etc, not the government
Because people who are smart, and who work hard SHOULD make more than an unskilled person who never wanted to take their education further, not stupid socialism, equalized income, thats just plain illogical.
If you want to be an officer let me know
I suspect that St. Paul's needs to push grammar a little harder.
Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at
A future Rush Limbaugh in the making.
Actually they are planning on being reporters!
Wow, that description is frightening in more ways than I choose to count....
It would be great to have more Republican reporters.
Steve, what is foreclsore (1)?
Maybe the University of Virginia should push spelling a little more.
Foreclsore? Am I missing something?
Go ST.Paul Republicans! You are the future!
I'm sure the Tattoo writers always have perfect grammar.
Only the ones from Singapore.
It would take a condescending liberal to make just one observation on this. The condescending observation being to pick on the grammar of this strong worded yet otherwise correct observation of political ideology by astute St. Paul students.
My response to them is: good going people, keep up the good work.
They are children! I give them credit for at least caring about current issues. I heard there is no Democratic party at St. Paul because no kids would start one. Who is scanning high school kids Facebook accounts anyways?
Sad, as a registered Republican I weep. The GOP leadership should question how someone so young can be so myopic in the view of the world around them. And so jaded toward those they disagree with.
This is what eight years of Bush's with us/against us has weaned. I wonder if our Little Prince understands Bush did more to promote big government than the dems could have ever dreamed. ( Rx drug program, NCLB, expanding the TSA, DHS. All government expansion that increased the number of government employees, DARE I SAY UNION EMPLOYEES!. i said it)
I tend to lean Republican and I am disappointed in this statement. How about a statement of what the young R's believe in without disrespecting others?
This is why people are disgusted with politics and don't want to get involved.
Concerned Conservative you are blind and ignorant. Go move to Alaska with Sarah Palin where you will be happy with the kind of leader you deserve.
could this be proof that young adults emulate their elders?
Under your "label" of Blogs, thats where Foreclsore is.
Must be endemic to the Press.
7:21 - I still have no idea what you're talking about. Is it something on my blog? Where? Lord knows I make typos, but I do try to fix them, so I'd like to find and correct whatever you're talking about. Thanks.
On this Blog, right hand side
After Jefferson quote
After Press Credo
After your bio
After Blog Archives
After Links
You'll come to labels, which starts with Ward (268).
Scroll down near the bottom, where one hit is listed.
You are welcome.
Thanks, 10:14. Got it.
Church and State??? That's quite a stretch.
I don't think disipline is in order, maybe an F in English on his/her report card.
Young Republican, ask yourself, which president just nationalized the banks and mortages? Which president and congress has acted like spend-o-crats for the last eight years? He was a republican right? As a republican how can you defend it?
Which rights? All or just some? Rights for citizens and not immigrants? Legal immigrants but not illegal immigrants?
Have you read the Constitution and do you understand it?
Define socialism.
Can a communist be liberal?
Young Republican, discuss, think, learn.
Billy from Bristol
You should study up on what Separation of Church and State means.
Keep at it, Young Republicans! Don't let the liberals wear you down; we know what is right.
President Obama and the socialists are promoting their ideals; don't let them drown out your voice of liberty.
I hope the publicity you've been getting will bring you prayers, support, and financial donations. We need you, and more like you, if we are to remain a free country.
11:43... Hello? Democrat-controlled Congress? Dodd? Quit the blame game and take some responsiblity for your party. These kids know more than you do.
10:29... Sarah Palin has formed a PAC which is gaining strength every day. She will likely be the first female US President, so get used to it.
Sounds like the young republicans are right on the money. Maybe our future isn't so bleak after all!
February 3, 2009 11:43 AM:
Why don't you explain exactly what rights illegal immigrants should have? I say they're only right should be to turn around and leave.
Section 9
Clause 2:
The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
Concerned Conservative:
If being a Republican means demonstrating how many stereotypes can be demonstrated through anti-intellectual vitriolic hatred and name calling. Then keep it up.
Cause it'll just mean more wins for the Democrats.
But at the very least I feel more proud today to have had a public education.
And just remember: The party that believes government to be incompetent will put incompetent people in charge of government. Every. Single. Time.
Student: it is very obvious that you've had a public education.
The GOP controlled congress for the first six years of Bush's legacy. Most of the nationalizing of education, prescription drug plan, and growth of the federal government(NSA,TSA,DHS) occurred during that period.
As I said earlier the dems couldn't have done better on creating a government leviathan if they tried. But ignore that facts because Bush had an R after his name. I can't.
Was it congress or Bush that went on TV to freighten the American people into buying into the bank bailout that is now proving out to be the boondogle we all expected it to be?
Who would actually bother trying to scan kid's facebooks and mock a few grammer mistakes in a casual group created by some teens? Steve, don't you have anything better to do? And Billy from Bristol, you believe in punishing these kids for simply taking a stand in what they believe in? Shame on EVERYBODY that actually tries to criticize these people for taking a stand on what they believe in!
I won't apologize for taking teens seriously.
I'm happy to see young people getting involved in politics.
I'm just not happy to see them write so poorly.
Steve... Why are you making such a big deal of a bunch of kids writing informally? This was just a small private group set up for their conservative/republican friends to take part in and knowing this is facebook, nobody even bothers to write properly! It's an internet social network! Not some formal group. Shame on you for snooping on teenagers that were minding their own buisness. And Saint Paul is a very good school. Don't criticize it just because of a silly thing like this. You must lead a very boring and dull life for posting something like this. Again... tsk tsk.
I'm not making a big deal out of it. All I did was post a copy of what they wrote.
And I certainly don't blame St. Paul's for the grammar on a group's Facebook page. I know perfectly well that some excellent writers attend that school.
It is not snooping, by the way, to read a public web page. Snooping is looking through things people are trying to hide, not things they put out there for the world to see.
Steve, have you seen some of the other groups on facebook?
As an independent, who considers myself to be a conscientious fact finder before I pass judgment, I would say that I am far less ashamed of our youth making a group like theirs, then some other groups I have seen.
I'd like to say, proudly I am a part of this club and what you people need to understand is it is our right to believe in what we want to believe in, who honestly spends their time cruising facebook to see what we are up to, does it matter that much to you? If so, come talk to the people who are actaually in the group, we would be happy to tell our side of the story.
Go, Maxx!
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