October 1, 2012

Alford backs state victims advocate on early release program

Republican state House candidate Mary Alford, who is taking on Democratic incumbent Frank Nicastro in the 79th District in Bristol, issued this press release recently:

I attended an event last night where we were privileged to have Michele Cruz, the State Victims Advocate, as a guest speaker. As you may or may not know, Michele has been leading the charge to get the Early Release Program suspended; a program which, if I am elected in November, I will work diligently to get repealed. She and her small staff have done a remarkable job of researching and verifying the results of this bill that was enacted, without discussion or public hearings; passed as an add on to a budget implementer bill.

 The underhanded manner in which this important legislation was enacted is disturbing enough but the fact that over 7500 violent offenders are now back in society, without proper monitoring or follow up of any kind, for the most part, is a public safety nightmare. Two of those released have committed senseless murders; there has been at least one re-offense of a sexual predator and over 700 of those released are already back in jail.

What has Michele received from the Malloy administration for her efforts to protect the victims of these offenders; for protecting all of us in Connecticut; for doing her job, not just doing it well, but outstandingly?

A pink slip!

Instead of applause or a commendation; instead of being held up as a shining example of a job more than well done, she is in danger of not being re-appointed to her position; the scapegoat for this abysmal failure of the Malloy administration’s public safety policy, if one can actually call this affront to CT citizens a policy.  I am not a big fan of using an overused word but, in this case, I must. This is an outrage!

If you have been a victim of one of these criminals or know someone who has; if you are simply sick and tired of this kind of thing please, call your state representatives and senators, call the Governor’s office, send emails, write letters.
 Also – Senator Jason Welch and Representative Whit Betts are circulating a petition to suspend this program immediately. It is available to be signed at Bristol’s GOP Victory Center, located at 255 North Main Street, Bristol. Let your voices be heard.

Let’s all stand up for Michele and the victims she serves. She is standing up for all of us!

Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com

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