October 9, 2011

Alford to council: Ditch mayor's raise

Republican mayoral challenger Mary Alford just issued this press release:

Alford: Last Ditch Effort!
(Bristol) Mary Alford, the Republican nominee for Mayor of the City of Bristol is making a last ditch effort to encourage the City Council to vote to rescind the 1.8% raise that was approved last month for the position of Mayor.  In a 3-3 tie vote of the City Council, Mayor Ward voted to break the tie and cast the deciding vote to increase the salary for the Mayor’s position effective November 14, 2011.
Last Wednesday, Alford sent out a “robo-call” to registered voters in Bristol asking them to call their City Councilman and ask him to make the motion to rescind this raise.  Alford has been encouraged by the responses she has received in her door to door campaign and she hopes that the members of the City Council will heed the voter’s frustration and do the right thing at Tuesday night’s City Council meeting.
“The rallying cry for the national and state Democratic parties is “shared sacrifice”, “Alford continued, “The only place “shared sacrifice” isn’t happening is right here in the City of Bristol. Many of our residents are unemployed and trying to make ends meet and our local elected leaders are approving executive pay raises.”
Alford is concerned about the message this raise sends to the people of Bristol. “If he deems it necessary, how will the Mayor be able to go to city employees and ask them to freeze their wages or “give back” to the city while giving himself a pay raise?,” Alford added, “Also, for the past two years, elderly residents of Bristol who are on social security have not received a cost of living adjustment, while gas, food and utility expenses have all increased.”
“How can you justify giving the Mayor of Bristol a raise when the citizens he represents are going without?” Alford asked.
Another concern for Ms. Alford is the misinformation being circulated regarding this raise.  According to the agenda for the City Council meeting on Tuesday under item 16 there is a notation regard clarifying the raise. “What people may not realize is that this is a 1.8% raise in November 2011 and another 1.8% raise in November 2012. That’s a 3.6 percent raise over the next two years,” Alford said.
“I think it is time that the voters of Bristol elect a Mayor that not only knows how to sharpen a pencil when it comes to budgetary matters, but one who also knows how to use an eraser,” Alford concluded, “The old adage every penny counts surely applies here and as your next Mayor I intend to count every penny.

Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com

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