January 6, 2011

A grateful Ward says he'll be back at work in a couple of weeks

Mayor Art Ward can’t remember the day he choked on a piece of steak.
Ward said Thursday he woke up groggy after 10 days in intensive care at Bristol Hospital with no idea where he was or why he was there.
“It might be an understatement, but I’m very glad to be here,” Ward said.
He’s made a reasonably swift recovery from the “freak act of nature” in the weeks since he woke up, he said, and should be able to return part-time to his City Hall post in two or three weeks.
Already, though, he’s in charge again.
“The main thing is I tire very easily,” Ward said, which is no surprise after spending 16 days at Bristol Hospital – most of them in a medically induced coma that saved his life.
In an exclusive interview with The Bristol Press at his Stevens Street home Thursday, Ward said that after losing oxygen for as long as 6 minutes while rescuers tried to dislodge the meat stuck in his throat on Dec. 4, “It’s just totally, totally amazing” that he’s still around.
“When you look at the whole scope of things, I feel very, very fortunate,” the mayor said. “I was incredibly lucky.”  Click here for the entire story.
 I'll have more here on Friday.
Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com


Anonymous said...

Steve, know anything about the city spending over $300,000 on Police cruisers?

Anonymous said...

good to hear Mayor Ward is doing better!

Steve Collins said...

8:17 -- Yes, I wrote about it at the end of December.