Voters clearly detested the idea of giving elected officials four year terms instead of two. They voted it down 2-1 while apparently approving all of the other questions on the ballot, including mandatory evaluations of non-elected department heads every year.
Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Contact Steve Collins at
For the second time!
How many times are these dunderheads going to put this on the ballot? The third time may be the charm...who knows?
Why was the question regarding if the mayor could evaluate the dept. heads on the ballot? They needed to do referendum for that? This is a perfect example of why government is completey inferior to the private sector.
Art, are you paying attention?
I would love to see some post-election polling on what Bristol is thinking. I have to say, if I was Art Ward, I would be wondering what's up. First, he can't get his guy elected registratr, then he can't deliver his city to the democrat governor, then all questions on the ballot are approved except the four year term which is direct hit on him....and the one guy he kinda helped with a picture on his brochure - Rich Cavello, gets beat big. Hmmmm......maybe somebody's star is not as bright as he thinks.
I didn't answer the Section 5 question because I didn't understand what Section 5 was. Can anyone explain it to me without making me feel stupid?
Art's one big success was that he was not a supporter of Colopietro
Maybe he acdtually hurt Cavello
Hmmmm....or maybe you're just not as bright as you think YOU are.
Oh , but I am!
Looks like Jim Hopkins was right. He was the only one to vote against the 4 year term. Good to see he was the spearhead of gender equity also.
6:23 PM: LMFAO!!!
that Hopkins was also Mary Rydingswards campaign manager. He has a diffrent political perspective then the leadership of the Town Committee?
Ward fast-tracked the Charter Revision Commission for the sole purpose of getting the four-year term amendment on the ballot this year, so he could run for a four year term next November. Nothing wrong with that - but then he did nothing to sell it to the voters. That's probably because he knows he couldn't sell a life preserver to a drowning man.
Ward is going to have trouble selling himself next year.
He is the best thing that the Republicans have going for them.
He almost offsets Mocabe
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