February 15, 2008

Mocabee assails Larson for "calling for retreat" from fighting terror

Statement from Bristol's Art Mocabee, the second vice chairman of the District 1 Republicans:

On September 11, 2001, I remember driving to work and thinking how that day was one of 10 best weather days of the year. The air was crisp and clean with a hint of the New England fall. The sky was deep blue and sun shined brightly. Who would have guessed how quickly that day would turn into one of the darkest days in American history.
We all know about the events of that day. The question is, have we forgotten how that day, in those three hours, over 3500 innocent Americans were killed, that our way of life was changed forever, for us, our children and all to come after us?
The action taken in those days after resulted in the fight being taken to the terrorist who perpetrated their attack on our soil. Just as we did in 1941 after the events of Pearl Harbor. We have not been attacked since and thanks to a strong response delivered by the Bush Administration and those members of Congress including many Democrats that saw the gravity of the situation, many attempts to attack us again have been stopped.
To take measures to protect our society , our family members and values, our businesses and our way of life is what I want and expect from members of Congress. Those like Mr. Larson, who are calling for retreat, withdrawal and elimination of the safe guards in place just don't get it. That includes strong federal attorneys.
Mr. Larson needs to wake up. I submit, Most Americans want a strong government, we can't afford members of Congress, or federal attorneys that don't have the backbone to stand up for a strong America. Perhaps if Mr. Larson was not so pre-occupied with his Animal House like behavior and personal social agenda he would be able to pay more attention to our security and protection while he is in Washington DC.

Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at scollins@bristolpress.com


Anonymous said...

Go get em Art!

Anonymous said...

Such a shame ..... when first becoming a memeber of the Democrat Party nearly fifty years ago , I easily held my head high . Despite my considerable efforts to save my beloved party , I am heart broken to see it in such a downward spiral .

Anonymous said...

I like Mr. Mocobee am appalled that Congressman Larson has joined hands with the left in his party and is not supporting our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am actually surprised at Larson's statements on this issue. I thought Larson was more of a moderate.

The troop surge in Iraq worked. Although the mission has been troubled, we now have the opportunity to achieve victory. If we remain on the course President Bush and General Petraeus are leading us we will also have a valuable ally in the region which is important for the good of world peace and economic stability.

The cut and run policy proposed by Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Larson will lead us into a situation much worse than we have experienced. Extremist Islam will come out victorious and they will capitalize to our detriment. It is irresponsible to follow the path of these misguided Democrats.

Anonymous said...

only have to look at the shambles that Bush has led on into over the last 8 years to realize that our grandchildren and their children will be burdened with the responsibility of paying for Bush's mess - great legacy.

Anonymous said...

Not True. Bush's pro-businees policies, tax-cut policies and his Supreme Court nominations (Roberts and Alito) are great assets to the future of this country.

Anonymous said...

Our "so called leaders" like Larson need to explain how Iraq and the events on 9/11 relate to each other. In other words, I agree that 9/11 was one of the worst days in our history but how was Iraq involved?

Our fight was in Afghanistan. A mission we failed to accomplish when we jumped into Iraq.

We made a big mistake.

We had no reason to be there and lots of young dedicated men and women have given their lives for this.

Above all we must honor our troups and thank them for their service.

We must also find a way to leave at the appropriate time with honor.

That being said we are there because of stupid politians from both sides of the house (including Larson).

Larson should be apoligize for his statements. He dishonors our troops and their courage. Our heroes deserve better than to be played like political pawns.

Anonymous said...

Mocabee doesn't have the courage to a fair fight so he thinks no one else has.

Anonymous said...

Mocabee needs to get a clue about the military - you cannot just pull out of Iraq. Mocabee should know something about pulling out in general!

Anonymous said...

Mocabee needs to get a clue. PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

February 15, 2008 9:01 PM et al:

What are you talking about? LARSON, Obama and Hillary want to pull out.

NOT Mocabee!

Anonymous said...

Hey Art tell us about your background !!!!

Anonymous said...

So 10:07 SO I guess you condone the republicans remarks on here. I guess then you belong with them. You are proably a republican already. Hold you head high ??? With these jokers ? Ha

Anonymous said...

The only thing Mocabee can do is "assail" he can't do anything else.

Anonymous said...

Hey Art, go check Larsons filings.