In the last few days, city Councilors Ken Cockayne and Kevin Fuller have exchanged a few emails about the city's leadership.
I asked Cockayne, the acting mayor, for copies of them on Sunday. I still haven't got them from him, though they are public documents that are easily available and simple enough to forward to me.
I know as acting mayor Cockayne is being careful to do things right, but passing off the request to the city attorney and then ignoring it is just plain silly.
Whoever is in charge at City Hall should have as a top goal the swift release of public information. Two days to get a few emails is ridiculous.
Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Contact Steve Collins at
he and the attys are too busy getting ready for the coup tonight and no work has been done in the corp counsel office other than this issue, if insiders are to be believed. It is too bad. Anyone catch Fox 61 report last night? Not looking good for Bristol.....
I would bet it’s because you are not painting the full picture of the political struggle at city hall. There haven’t been any reports as to the maneuvering of the anti-ward faction. No report of the communications between the anti-ward democrat council members plan to take power within hours of wards accident. As to paraphrase one DTC member I can’t believe it their like vultures
Just as long as he's the mayor...not Princess Kate.
How did you find out and why isn't Fuller giving them to you since Cockayne isn't?
I hear you Stephen . It's been 19 months since I sent a letter to Mayor Ward with a serious issue and my patience beginning to wear thin awaiting his response .
What is the deadline for needing a special election vs having an "acting Mayor" in light of the medical situation that Art is enduring?
They will keep this going forever so the city could hit bottom and then ART would be the hero for not being there. Maybe they arent smart enought to bring bristol forward. Art brought us backwords but hes a great guy. JUST HOW LONG DOES THE CITY PAY HIS SALARY. Rememberthe prayers for ART arent going to save BRISTOL. Ken has the bad habit of saying hes following art orders . Get some guts and do whats good for bristol and not arts wishes. He was killing us with poor discisions.
Please resolve that if you don't hear from Mayor Ward this week, you'll move out of the city.
I posted just the other day about letting him have a taste of running things at the top for awhile, he will make a BAD decision, and self-destruct, and ruin things for his fellow Republicans. I will say though, I sort of thought it would take longer than a FEW days. LOL. Here we go!!! I don't need HBO with all this stuff going on.
Kenny is going to find out in a very short period of time that it is easy to lob grenades over the fence, must harder to deflect them. As a Democrat, I truly want him in charge for awhile, just to show the world that he is incapable of a high level govermental position.
I don't think he's intentionally being secretive Steve. Consider all the circumstances going on that we know of and all those we don't. I'm sure there's alot to take care and forwarding emails isn't a priority, can't say I blame him.
Does an acting mayor get a salary ?
Why are you surprised???
Just his/her Council salary
BRISTOL will ay ART foreve as long as the pitty party continues.
is someone stirring controversy?
given he is an interim mayor - he most likely is keeping his day job. possibly forwarding emails is a little further down the priority list?
When our taxes go up i guess we blame4 ART because KEN is doing what ART wants. We the tax payers want leadeship not art ward wonabees. Thats what ken is. If the MAYOR doesnt come back do we give his office to the CHIEF.
I just heard that Cockayne intends to stay only 30 days and to appoint a different councilman at their next meeting. If so, doesn't sound like a "coup" to me just a cool down period while the City deals with its largest crisis in its history. Frankly I'm tired of the folks who are crying they "want to be Mayor" and more worried about the Mayor and his family. What ever happened to common courtesy and why can't these people get along? I also hear the the democratic councilmen are not speaking to each other either- nice bunch we've elected may the true meaning of Christmas grab hold of everyone and bring peace to all of us.
"He was killing us with poor discisions"
Once again...2 words for you...ADULT ED. Seriously. It's never too late!
The only people who were planning to take over power was cockayne and krawicki with the blessing of nelson. Isn't it obvious? as I've said before, if it was a democrat in ken's position right now, this type of behavior would not be tolerated, of course without nelson's blessing. It is clear that Ken is avoiding answering you because he has info that is damaging to his credibility. Can't anyone see that? Double standard as always!
We are waiting to hear how the special election will take place if Mayor Ward does not return before February...
i can't support anything that cockayne do or want to do. he is a fake...he is not fooling anyone. he can call the hartford courant all he wants...still he should know that he is not what Bristol wants...whatever he does now, while Ward is's going to be undone soon after...he is a sad person...
Steve, he doesn't need you anymore, can't you see?
Collins you are dispicable! Can't get your emails so you suggest Mr. Cockayne is "turning secretive". This is the worst piece of journalism I've seen from you. Distortion deception misleading the reader...deplorable. You show go sweep floors someplace because you have used your power of the pen to serve your ego, not the readers need to know.
You don't think it matters what transpired between Cockayne and Fuller the last few days? It sure looks today like that was quite important.
I already have the emails, for what it's worth. I just don't want anyone in the mayor's seat to ignore open government laws. It has nothing to do with me.
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