The commission got a report prepared for it on the school plan and will likely use it to make its decision. I'm told that proponents may not get a chance to make a pitch directly.
Planning Chairman Bill Veits said he's going to ask his colleagues whether they want public participation or not. He said he wants commissioners to talk before they hear from City Planner Alan Weiner.
Here are scans of the pages from the report prepared for the Board of Education for tonight's meeting:
Cover sheet
Table of contents
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8 (map of school locations in Bristol)
Page 9 (Scalia site map)
Page 10 (Scalia site map)
Page 11 (Greene-Hills site map)
Page 12 (Greene-Hills site map)
City Councilor Cliff Block told me that he checked today on the state reimbursement for the property. He said that the reimbursement looks at the amount of buildable acreage on the site so the entire purchase cost should qualify for state aid. That makes it a little cheaper and answers the question I raised earlier.
There are a number of school people here and a few residents. There are quite a few people I don't know, who I fear are here for other issues that might make the controversy of the night take place a bit later than I'd hoped. One never knows.
I'll update when there's something to say.
Update at 7:20 p.m. --
Just checked the agenda. There's only one pending application for the panel to finish, which is about to happen, and then there is one new one.
After that, we get to the school sites. Should happen pretty soon.
The new one is a subdivision application beside Allentown Road. They're handing out maps about it now and attorney Jim Ziogas is getting ready to talk. It will be scintillating, no doubt.
Update at 7:26 --
They're talking about a drainage pipe and a culvert.
And to think that people volunteer to serve on land use panels.
Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at
1 comment:
Drainage pipe! Drainage pipe! Drainage pipe!
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