September 11, 2007

The last half hour

This is about the time it gets agonizing for candidates and supporters. There's nothing left to do to round up votes -- and no way to know yet whether all the time and effort was worth it.
Someone told me that Art Ward went home to eat dinner and take a shower before he heads over to Nuchies. I suspect Ellen Zoppo is doing much the same before joining the anxious crowd at the Elks Club.
At the polls, little knots of supporters still hold signs in the dark. But nearly everyone who is going to vote has done so. At this point, they're going through the motions.
Laura Minor, the councilman's wife and a longtime party activist, is driving around offering coffee and doughnuts to all the people working outside the polls. That perhaps says something about the ultimate loyalty of most of these folks. Whoever they support, they're Democrats.
I don't know what that means for Ward if he winds up running as an independent. Some of his backers certainly won't go there with him, at least in public.
But all of that is for the future.
For now, it's just watching the clock and then waiting.
Results should start coming in not long after 8 p.m. But I don't know when I'll be able to post anything.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
Contact Steve Collins at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God round 1 is almost over.